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Gorton: Team Lacked Toughness and Grit; Will Be Addressed


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I think that mac plays hard. i'm sure he has the bruises to show for it. however i just felt that at times he needed to get his nose dirty and go after a transgressor on the other team if that guy was taking liberties.


OV does it. Stamkos does it. Mess did it. A lot of you guys played the game. I would imagine most of you know when the unwritten rules have been broken. Mac knows it well too. He just never did anything about it.


Sometimes that's also being a bit of a bully when nothing has happened but as a captain you lead by example and try to spark the team.


i loved the "have a sac" speech the caps coach got caught on tape yelling that year on hbo when OV dropped the gloves to spark the team.


thats the kind of captain i want.


This. People are getting hung up on the word vagina. Penis, penis, penis. Vagina, vagina, vagina. Thank you Miss Davis. Now we're not uncomfortable with body parts.


Getzlaf, Benn, Toews, Foligno, Wheeler, Ovechkin, Giordano. No one of these guys are going to stop standing up for their teammates because the coach tells them to play nice.

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Anyone think, if Dallas hires AV, that Jamie Benn stops playing with an edge and getting in peoples faces after the whistle or a questionable hit?


Yes. Chris Kreider stopped running goalies didn't he? Nash became a pk specialist.... McD became soft. Smith got sent down for sticking up for team mates.

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Girardi and Staal both play the leftside. McD was the top pair rightside defenseman for most of the years the Rangers played the Caps in the playoffs playing with Girardi. Staal played second pair leftside.

Wasn?t saying McD was tougher to play against than Ovechkin. Was stating he played Ovechkin tough and shut him down for the most part. If he was a vagina we wouldn?t have made it as far as we did in the playoffs all those years.



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I didn't compare them Eddie. Quite the opposite.

I said Scheifele is just one example of a really good player who uses his size to his advantage in a way Hayes doesn't.


My mistake Gravesy. Sorry about that, read the thread too quick and all the info blurred.


One point I was making is that I think Hayes is an excellent 3C who can provide O and shutdown D. He will keep getting better if he has the right mindset and a little luck. Schiefele is a legit excellent 1C. A whole different animal and Hayes will need to do more than be physical to resemble that player. Obviously, they do not even play the same game. For instance, Hayes likes to slow the game down consistently to gain various advantages where Schiefele is fast, great skater, quick hands, precision passer, sharp shooter, etc.

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Totally agree with that.

My point is that Scheifele (I could obviously have used a different player for my example), even though he is smaller than Hayes, uses his physique to give his team an edge. He goes to the dirty areas and wins battles. He gives and takes punishment. He can deliver big open ice hits when called for. He crashes the net. He gets in front of the net and is really difficult to move. Hayes, albeit not the same type of player, could do a lot of the same in terms of making his physique count. The same is true for Kreider imo.

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Girardi and Staal both play the leftside. McD was the top pair rightside defenseman for most of the years the Rangers played the Caps in the playoffs playing with Girardi. Staal played second pair leftside.

Wasn’t saying McD was tougher to play against than Ovechkin. Was stating he played Ovechkin tough and shut him down for the most part. If he was a vagina we wouldn’t have made it as far as we did in the playoffs all those years.



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Girardi plays the right. McD plays the left. As a LW, all those battles were Girardi v. OV.

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Kreider was a 22 year old rookie when AV became the coach, but sure, that's comparable to Jamie Benn.


AV decides to mold players to his liking is the point. Benn would either do as hes told, or clash with him, sending one or the other out the door.


Is it just coincidence that players come here and start off awesome as if they brought some kind of spark and energy, tjen 3 months later they ate a different player, with no fire, no desire to shoot, or throw a body check, or crash the net? All of them?

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This. People are getting hung up on the word vagina. Penis, penis, penis. Vagina, vagina, vagina. Thank you Miss Davis. Now we're not uncomfortable with body parts.


Getzlaf, Benn, Toews, Foligno, Wheeler, Ovechkin, Giordano. No one of these guys are going to stop standing up for their teammates because the coach tells them to play nice.[/QUOT

If you had such a problem with him, why did you not want to trade him three months ago? He never fought, ever. Making him captain didn?t change who he was. It might fit nice into a ridiculous narrative but there is no truth to it. He didn?t fight maybe because he?s not good at it. What spark are you going to get from him getting beat or at best he hugs the guys with his gloves off. I?m I missing something but has any of those captains actually threw punches and had a fight with them actually winning? Stamkos fights? Are you referring to the slap fight with buch? Come on.


Benn is a straw man argument. Let av become coach of the stars and see what benn is two years from now. Why not go back and read the complaints from Canucks fans. We know the problems he had here with Kreider, Smith, McIrath, etc. this is much to do about nothing.


Three months ago trading mcd was ridiculous to you. Today he was a giant vagina for s captain. Of coure you mean that in the most complimentary way. What changed? The situation did not the player.


I?m not clouded by anything. I agree the rangers need to be tougher. I just don?t happen to blame mcd and if av stayed it?d be much of the same with him gone.

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Girardi plays the right. McD plays the left. As a LW, all those battles were Girardi v. OV.


While RJ is wrong about the positions, you're not correct here except on the rush. Once the zone is gained, this goes out the window.

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I've always checked the event summary after every game. McD had an empty space in the registered hits 4 out of 5 games. The Lightning had 35 hits vs. NJ. Only 3 players didn't put up a hit McD, Stamkos, and Serg. Did I respect McD as a defenseman and and his commitment to the team ? Absolutely. Once in awhile he would lay someone out but it wasn't enough, especially for a Capt. When players get plowed into the boards and in discomfort they skate to their bench and deal with it. McD was too over dramatic and just plain soft. He's a great defenseman but IMAO should never have been our Capt. He put on his boo boo face more than a couple of times, then came on fresh as a daisy his next shift. He was soft and vaginas are soft too so no need to be SJWs over someones opinion of our ex-captains game play.


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You can solve all of this by saying: "We're seeking a more aggressive mindset from our players." Mcdonagh was tough, but I'd never say he was aggressive in nature. He was the prototypical "dad" type who when called upon could/would sort things out, but he never struck me as someone who was aggressive in nature. That reactive, rather than proactive mindset seems to be what the Rangers are looking for out of their new system and eventually, their captain.
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You can solve all of this by saying: "We're seeking a more aggressive mindset from our players." Mcdonagh was tough, but I'd never say he was aggressive in nature. He was the prototypical "dad" type who when called upon could/would sort things out, but he never struck me as someone who was aggressive in nature. That reactive, rather than proactive mindset seems to be what the Rangers are looking for out of their new system and eventually, their captain.


To the extent we have any insight into this matter, this. It also fits the insights Brooks shared on the matter this season. On numerous occasions, going back to the reports last summer about bringing in a Joe Thornton, there's been talk of "Type-A personalities" and the Rangers' need for them.



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Yes. Chris Kreider stopped running goalies didn't he? Nash became a pk specialist.... McD became soft. Smith got sent down for sticking up for team mates.


Smith was garbage and was sent down for other reasons as well, I hardly think it was one one instance. If I remember right his fight turned the momentum of the game around and they lost. You have to be smart at times, he doesn't seem to possess that skill or hasn't displayed it here.


Somebody mentioned Farnham, that guy is nothing but a human punching bag with no NHL worthy skills whatsoever. Avery would be a better example, Farnham has no business in this league.

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If you had such a problem with him, why did you not want to trade him three months ago? He never fought, ever. Making him captain didn’t change who he was. It might fit nice into a ridiculous narrative but there is no truth to it. He didn’t fight maybe because he’s not good at it. What spark are you going to get from him getting beat or at best he hugs the guys with his gloves off. I’m I missing something but has any of those captains actually threw punches and had a fight with them actually winning? Stamkos fights? Are you referring to the slap fight with buch? Come on.


Benn is a straw man argument. Let av become coach of the stars and see what benn is two years from now. Why not go back and read the complaints from Canucks fans. We know the problems he had here with Kreider, Smith, McIrath, etc. this is much to do about nothing.


Three months ago trading mcd was ridiculous to you. Today he was a giant vagina for s captain. Of coure you mean that in the most complimentary way. What changed? The situation did not the player.


I’m not clouded by anything. I agree the rangers need to be tougher. I just don’t happen to blame mcd and if av stayed it’d be much of the same with him gone.


Yes, 3-4 months ago, when we were still fighting for a wild card spot, I didn't want to blow the team up. Now the team has been blown up. Thanks for your service McD. I don't hate McD. I don't have a grudge against him. I wish him the best. With the Rangers not in the playoffs, someone has to win. I hope its McD and Tampa. I'm not blaming anything on McD. It is what it is. I want our next captain to have the fire to get in someone's face if they run one of our players, to throw his silver medal in the stands.

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For the record, the first time "boo boo face" was mentioned was in reference to this:



Then some hyperbole and sarcasm happened and now we're on to whether or not playing with a broken ankle qualifies you as a vagina.

I'm happy to see McDonagh go, not because his tenure here was bad, or because he didn't bring enough to the team, or he was a bad captain (something we'll never know), but because he doesn't fit where this team is going in the future. That and he's now injury-prone which makes me nervous.

Thank you. So funny.[emoji38]


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AV decides to mold players to his liking is the point. Benn would either do as hes told, or clash with him, sending one or the other out the door.


Is it just coincidence that players come here and start off awesome as if they brought some kind of spark and energy, tjen 3 months later they ate a different player, with no fire, no desire to shoot, or throw a body check, or crash the net? All of them?


some of this just makes me smile - no doubt AV was telling guys, do not shoot the puck especially you Hayes stick handle into a turnover, get away from the net and don't you ever throw a check. I'm sure he ripped Smith for the timing of a fight that turned the momentum of a game, McIlrath was a bust from the word go, personally would I have enjoyed watching him at least fight every night sure - would of enjoyed it more watching the videos of that happening in Hartford. I think there's toughness and then a willingness to drop the gloves two totally different things. McLeod is a fighter and hits people he also sucks at hockey. I also don't think one guy or even two that play a tough game can magically turn guys like Vecsey, Hayes, Names. Zibs, Buch and several others into guys that are tough to play against. Said it yesterday we're expecting some bigger thing from the two kids next year, they are far from being tough to play against so essentially that's two more slots taken up by guys that play a soft game.


I truly don't believe you can teach guys to play a game that isn't in their makeup.

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