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RS] (#31) Rangers vs. Arizona Coyotes // The Hobbit: Hurt and Back Again

Drew a Penalty

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Embarrassing! Someone should be fired, Someone should be traded and Someone should be sent down!


We need some definite soul-searching right now after losing to a team we needed to beat! Who do you want on our garbage defense that needs to be traded after this loss tonight! Ruff has to go

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Embarrassing ! Someone should be fired, Someone should be traded and Someone should be sent down!


We need some definite soul-searching right now after losing to a team we needed to beat! Who do you want on our garbage defense that needs to be traded after this loss tonight! Ruff has to go


Obviously this was a bad loss but we're a bad team that's rebuilding. He's been sending people down left and right. We clearly don't have the roster to contend and that's been pretty clear all season long. Tough loss but remember the plan. At least they told us the plan!

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Getting a single point is more frustrating than the loss. No reason to be getting points. They actually have the least amount of non-shootout wins in the league. They should be dead last and it?s frustrating not to be.


This. It's actually annoying that they're picking these points up. They're useless. All is doing is decreasing their odds of prime lottery position.



Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk

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They are picking up points because the entire league sucks. The team is trying and anyone who cares about the long term health of this team who would want otherwise is a fool. If they finish last so be it. As long as player transactions are made only with the future in mind I have nothing to complain about. If they stay competitive and finish 9th anyway then oh well. Quinn is proving to be a solid choice and developing players in the atmosphere some are begging for here will only develop what you sow. If losers is what you want then tank. Losing games is fine as long as the effort and process for winning is there. There is a huge difference. Teams take years to recover and reset after so called tanking. I don?t get the attitude of rooting for a team to quit.
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They are picking up points because the entire league sucks. The team is trying and anyone who cares about the long term health of this team who would want otherwise is a fool. If they finish last so be it. As long as player transactions are made only with the future in mind I have nothing to complain about. If they stay competitive and finish 9th anyway then oh well. Quinn is proving to be a solid choice and developing players in the atmosphere some are begging for here will only develop what you sow. If losers is what you want then tank. Losing games is fine as long as the effort and process for winning is there. There is a huge difference. Teams take years to recover and reset after so called tanking. I don’t get the attitude of rooting for a team to quit.


They are picking up because the point system sucks. The Rangers have the least amount of wins the the league -- they too, suck.


No one is complaining about effort, in fact I think most are happy with the direction of things. But to think finishing 9th is a positive result this season, is to be mistaken. Finishing 9th does nothing other than waste a year. In order for this year to be a success, the young players must progress throughout the year and team must finish low enough to draft a (hopefully) generational talent. If the Rangers can pull in 3 more 1st round picks this year -- which I don't see why they can't -- the rebuild is in a very good position.


The things you've mentioned are true. Quinn seems to be the right choice. The atmosphere around the team is a positive one. We love all of that. But this team is not a playoff team. We already know that. This team is pretty far away from contending. We know that. The only way to fix that is to draft high, draft often, and draft well. I think one more draft is enough to start us thinking about building rather than tearing down.

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