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RS] (#32) Rangers vs. Vegas Golden Knights // <Insert Something Clever Here>


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RU still pissed? ...cause that’s what happened.


Watched on DVR last night and went straight to the third period. Kreider was a force and used his legs well - at least he did in that period. But when his line failed to muster anything to open OT I took that as a bad omen. And sure enough we lose. Yup, not a goal Hank should give up.


Remember Crosby scoring that kind of ‘impossible angle’ goal several years back? Then Richards scores one for us about a year later. It happens. Practically speaking, it should have happened in regulation so that we wouldn’t get a point.


Post game, Quinn minced no words saying how we didn’t do much of anything in the first 2 periods. He was pretty angry.


Lol. Yeah, I am. Such a waste. I'm happy some of these guys are playing well, and even though they lose a shit load, it's actually a fun team to watch. But I'm a broken record at this point with what I'm about to say: getting pity points is not something this team needs to be doing.

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They sure as hell didn't look like they wanted to win in the first 2 periods yesterday! ;)


They still don't hit enough for my liking (finishing checks)

Too many Neutral zone turnovers

...and still don't shoot the puck even CLOSE to enough. (they can't get it on net enough even when they do shoot!)


Gonna take lots of time to get this thing together...but I liked Quinn's postgamer. He seemingly accepts nothing less than 100%...the way it should be.

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Missed most of the game after the first and just watched the condensed game on YT.

@31 - Hank def stole us a point, lol.


The guy was bionic back there! He made some saves that were supernatural on Sunday. I give Hank a lot of credit for playing so well with so little help on defense.

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