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Lightning Architect Steve Yzerman Interested in Rangers? Top Job


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They can't "overdo" analytics. They don't even have an analytics department at the moment. Literally anything is a massive improvement.


They look at analytics. Every team does. They're not the Toronto Maple Leafs or Phoenix Coyotes but they look at analytics.

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They look at analytics. Every team does. They're not the Toronto Maple Leafs or Phoenix Coyotes but they look at analytics.
The teams with the "best" analytics folks aren't the best teams.


It's one part of a very large game. There's more to it than spreadsheets.

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Maple Leafs can single-handedly kill this theory depending on the outcome of these playoffs. Ditto Carolina.



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Yes TBD...Not really any team killing the theory... It's one thing to know the numbers. It's another to know WHY the numbers are the numbers.


Think Oilers signing Fayne and Pouliot because PDO or whatever assinine column they used.


You know what I mean.

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Sure. I'm not asking the Rangers to become the Coyotes or Canes, just asking them to actually look at data. They're one of the only teams in the league who don't even have a department, regardless of whehter others actually listen to theirs or not.
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Sure. I'm not asking the Rangers to become the Coyotes or Canes, just asking them to actually look at data. They're one of the only teams in the league who don't even have a department, regardless of whehter others actually listen to theirs or not.


I don't know if they have a dedicated "department" or not. I don't even really know what that means. But Gorton brought up analytics unprovoked in his interview after the lottery. They look at analytics and I'd prefer if they kept looking at it as a piece of the puzzle instead of what other teams seem to be doing.

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Jim Sullivan is the only person listed in their directory that has analytics in his title. But it looks like they only list their directors and in charge level personnel. While there is no analytics department listed, I am guessing that there is a staff of some sort and it?s a subdivision of some other department such as hockey ops or scouting information
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how far down the analytics hole have teams in the nhl gone. it's all you hear now in the mlb where it sounds like there are 10 egg heads sitting in each team office...


Well it’s where sports have evolved and I won’t deny it’s a helpful thing and teams should do it


But I will say this

1) Analytics help to fill in an existing picture. They don’t paint a new one. You still need the existing traditional stats.

2) They’ve taken certain tactics and strategic approaches out of the respective games and it’s made for very predictable and at times very boring games.

3) In game itself, I still trust the guy who has spent his entire life in the game much more than some Ivy League kid who rode the bench on his HS team.

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Sure. I'm not asking the Rangers to become the Coyotes or Canes, just asking them to actually look at data. They're one of the only teams in the league who don't even have a department, regardless of whehter others actually listen to theirs or not.

We don't really know this. Gorton and Quinn both emphasized it when the hire was made, Quinn has said multiple times that he uses it. It seems pretty unlikely that they don't have some kind of team working on it in the organization. For all we know, they have the same resources dedicated as the Yotes, but just have a different org structure that doesn't call it a department...


On the Rangers and analytics, "it plays a role because David has a thirst for that kind of thing and a history of listening to analytics. As far as the organization, we are somebody that looks at everything and spend a lot of time looking at analytics."


“All information is helpful. How much you use and verbalize to your team depends on how comfortable you are with that information.”


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