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MTL Sign Sebastian Aho to 5-Year Offer Sheet Worth $8.454M Per Season; CAR Matches


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Yeah that’s the crazy thing about offer sheets' date=' right? The club who had the rights has to match the offer, they can’t make a new offer, can they?[/quote']


No, but they can negotiate an extension...If they chose to.

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i guess the impression that the canes were cash strapped and that the signing bonuses would be tough for them to handle were very much overblown

Of course it was. Dundon is worth like $2 billion dollars. He could pay the entire salary in cash tomorrow and not blink.

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fair enough. but even billionaires aren't just throwing away money if they don't think it's a worthwhile business decision.


Canes draw well when they are good. they have momentum to be good now. No way it wasn't being matched. I get what Bergevin was trying to do though. Worst case scenario they match and maybe drives down the market value of other RFAs. Best case, they get a bargain. Also no way Aho isn't just thrilled to make sure he gets the deal he wants out of Carolina

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Would of loved Car to announce immediately that we're going to match but first we're gonna watch MTL wait for 7 days while the market dwindles to nothing. Not sure what MTK was thinking this one was destined to be a no brainer for Car.
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No, but they can negotiate an extension...If they chose to.


I'll have to read up on that for the next time an offer sheet comes in another decade, lol.

So they can negotiate an extension in those 7 days that the offer sheet from MTL stands?

For example, could CAR have offered 8x8 while MTL's offer sheet was signed by Aho?

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;973424]I'll have to read up on that for the next time an offer sheet comes in another decade, lol.

So they can negotiate an extension in those 7 days that the offer sheet from MTL stands?

For example, could CAR have offered 8x8 while MTL's offer sheet was signed by Aho?

No, Carolina can match, sign him, and then negotiate an extension to the existing contract when it's about to run out.
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Laughable move by Bergevin.

If they were serious about this they should have put in an offer that would actually push the Canes into uncomfortable waters.

Every man and his dog knew the Canes would match this all day long.

I'm a bit disappointed Waddell didn't sit on this for the full 7 days just to stir the pot.


Eh, he made an earnest attempt. There was $21 million paid out in the first twelve months. That's not easy for a cash-strapped team like Carolina. The AAV doesn't really matter — it's the dollars that count.

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He explained all that, too. To go up a level, it was an extra first rounder for minimal gain on the front loading side of the deal, and it was all about the front loading in this deal. AAV was never an issue.
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Laughable move by Bergevin.

If they were serious about this they should have put in an offer that would actually push the Canes into uncomfortable waters.

Every man and his dog knew the Canes would match this all day long.

I'm a bit disappointed Waddell didn't sit on this for the full 7 days just to stir the pot.


Think they want Aho to be as welcome as possible. Recall after Neil Smith offer sheeted Joe Sakic he went back to the Avs and never left;today he's their GM. Not saying Aho is destined for such things, but if you're gonna match, do it and be done with it.

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Eh, he made an earnest attempt. There was $21 million paid out in the first twelve months. That's not easy for a cash-strapped team like Carolina. The AAV doesn't really matter — it's the dollars that count.


Of course, but I'm struggling with the idea of this being an earnest attempt because everybody knew it would be matched straight off the bat. I haven't read a single piece by anyone not saying "this will be matched" and quite frankly there was no way Carolina would let him go for that money and that compensation. It wasn't easy for them, but it was always doable. In the end, if they wanted to make it happen they would've had to push it into a compensation territory where the combination of compensation, front loading and aav would make it unpalatable to match.


Like LeBrun says:


My understanding of that, if I were to take the Habs perspective on this, is that the contract structure restrictions in the CBA make it so going up to the next threshold of draft compensation wouldn’t have been worth it for Montreal. My personal belief is that Montreal felt if Dundon was going to match the $21-million plus in the opening 12 months, that he would match a higher number as well. Remember that as per the rules, the lowest year of the contract has to be at least half of the highest year and you can’t drop more than 35 percent year-over-year. The Habs looked at all kinds of scenarios but made the final determination that it was about the cash up front and that they basically accomplished the same thing with less compensation and a more fair contract.


And while I get that reasoning, it’s the fair contract part that likely made it palatable for Carolina to match. The Habs maybe got too cute here in that they figured they could not only get their guy but also on a deal that makes sense under the cap.

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If anything, I hope more offer sheets at reasonable rates get tossed around. It?ll help keep salaries and comparables down...maybe.


But imagine Point gets offer sheeted at 8.5, Marner at 9.5, though I guess neither of them have to sign them. Nevermind

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Of course, but I'm struggling with the idea of this being an earnest attempt because everybody knew it would be matched straight off the bat. I haven't read a single piece by anyone not saying "this will be matched" and quite frankly there was no way Carolina would let him go for that money and that compensation. It wasn't easy for them, but it was always doable. In the end, if they wanted to make it happen they would've had to push it into a compensation territory where the combination of compensation, front loading and aav would make it unpalatable to match.


Like LeBrun says:


Need a link for this. Athletic?

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