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[RS] (#33) Rangers vs. Nashville Predators // We Ain't Got Time to Bleed

Drew a Penalty

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Thanks Pete!! I knew you guys would know...I couldn't find where it was.


We suck on turnovers, and it seriously frustrates the balls off me that we never get the puck deep enough. I mean how many times do you see the opposing team crossing our blue line with numbers after we fuck up a dump in, and we didn't even finish the line change with guys still hopping over the boards?? For fuck sake!


I know guys like Panarin can carry the puck, but other players should be crossing the red line and shooting the puck in deep, then chasing it with the opposing team's defenseman with their backs to the play, instead of ours all the time.


What about finishing checks??? ...Lemeiux is the only player that bumps a guy after he passes or had possession of the puck. I'm not even going to get into how many opportunities we let go by without shooting, even with last night's output. They still passed on too many grade "A" chances for my liking.


But thanks Pete...I 'm checking it out now... :thumbs:

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Thanks Pete!! I knew you guys would know...I couldn't find where it was.


We suck on turnovers, and it seriously frustrates the balls off me that we never get the puck deep enough. I mean how many times do you see the opposing team crossing our blue line with numbers after we fuck up a dump in, and we didn't even finish the line change with guys still hopping over the boards?? For fuck sake!


I know guys like Panarin can carry the puck, but other players should be crossing the red line and shooting the puck in deep, then chasing it with the opposing team's defenseman with their backs to the play, instead of ours all the time.


What about finishing checks??? ...Lemeiux is the only player that bumps a guy after he passes or had possession of the puck. I'm not even going to get into how many opportunities we let go by without shooting, even with last night's output. They still passed on too many grade "A" chances for my liking.


But thanks Pete...I 'm checking it out now... :thumbs:


Ozzy, dude, you really have to start watching the game the rest of us are enjoying :rofl:


Dumping the puck is antiquated thinking, at every level.


Sure, there's a time for it, like during a line change. But it's an ineffective tool to generate offense. The numbers suggest far fewer scoring chances off of dump in zone entries vs skate in entries.


Finishing checks is also quite pointless during the season. Sure, during a 7 game series if you want to wear a guy into making a bad decision with the puck, it makes sense. But for a game, if you're not separating a man from the puck, all a hit does it sap energy. Teams that hit more do not win more.


The game is just so different now.

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Ozzy, dude, you really have to start watching the game the rest of us are enjoying :rofl:


Dumping the puck is antiquated thinking, at every level.


Sure, there's a time for it, like during a line change. But it's an ineffective tool to generate offense. The numbers suggest far fewer scoring chances off of dump in zone entries vs skate in entries.


Finishing checks is also quite pointless during the season. Sure, during a 7 game series if you want to wear a guy into making a bad decision with the puck, it makes sense. But for a game, if you're not separating a man from the puck, all a hit does it sap energy. Teams that hit more do not win more.


The game is just so different now.


Stats like hits are indicative of not having the puck

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Ozzy, dude, you really have to start watching the game the rest of us are enjoying :rofl:


Dumping the puck is antiquated thinking, at every level.


Sure, there's a time for it, like during a line change. But it's an ineffective tool to generate offense. The numbers suggest far fewer scoring chances off of dump in zone entries vs skate in entries.


Finishing checks is also quite pointless during the season. Sure, during a 7 game series if you want to wear a guy into making a bad decision with the puck, it makes sense. But for a game, if you're not separating a man from the puck, all a hit does it sap energy. Teams that hit more do not win more.


The game is just so different now.


I hear ya man, but when you have a team like Nashville who is pretty shitty with the puck, and their best players are actually their defenseman, why not wear a team down with dumps? Make them work a little harder to go 200 feet to get a scoring chance. The Rangers still make way too many mistakes at center ice. Yeah they're young and all and I get that, but I just think there's more than one way to attack a team.


Playoffs aside, and yeah you're right....but shit man! We took several questionable hits last night and I think the one to Buch got us off our game a little. Maybe I'm wrong, but believe me man...I watch pretty intently. ;)

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I hear ya man, but when you have a team like Nashville who is pretty shitty with the puck, and their best players are actually their defenseman, why not wear a team down with dumps? Make them work a little harder to go 200 feet to get a scoring chance. The Rangers still make way too many mistakes at center ice. Yeah they're young and all and I get that, but I just think there's more than one way to attack a team.


Playoffs aside, and yeah you're right....but shit man! We took several questionable hits last night and I think the one to Buch got us off our game a little. Maybe I'm wrong, but believe me man...I watch pretty intently. ;)

Oh, I just meant that you watch looking for hits and fights and that's not the game anymore!
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Oh, I just meant that you watch looking for hits and fights and that's not the game anymore!


Oh I agree, the days of the Broadstreet Bullies are long gone. I was just getting at the fact that the Rangers play a speed game, like lots of other teams. Now I know this is FAR from a finished product, and I know you know the deal with where we have to be after these old contracts are done after next season...that aside;


It's just that I would like to see Quinn go after teams weaknesses a little more as this team gets more experienced. We don't have the resources now to do that to much of an extent, but it's the same breakout plays, same forecheck scheme, same PP setup, and same attack strategy every game in my eyes.


I don't think it's a coincidence that the last 2 games have been bombs as far as the offense goes. Teams are most likely getting wise to the spearheaded attack of 2 players; Bread, and Zibby.


I'm thinking maybe change the attack up a bit; a little dump and chase more, a little banging around their defense. It just seems when the play gets chippy, or anything away from the cemented Ranger strategy, we fold like a tent. I feel like sometimes we're ramming our heads against a wall looking for it to just work eventually while time just ticks away.


Last night was a decent example. We force a turnover in the first by Zibby throwing a nice hit, and he springs shit head Kreider to go in and score one. Seemed that was a big hint to me; attack their defense and they'll cough it up.


I just think we made it too easy for Nashville to get outta their zone without paying even a small price (bump & grind a little) to wear 'em down, or cause a turnover. Instead we're coughing up pucks in the NZ and we've got guys like Fast trying to make rink wide passes that end up in our own twine.


...Just my observation on last night's debacle.

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The only correct phrase in this post is incompetently enforced.


"2. We all know about reputation penalties, but Lemieux is the first guy to get generational reputation penalties, serving at least partially the sins of his dad, Claude.


Not since Sean Avery?s return to the Rangers in March 2009 have I seen such blatant bias in on-ice adjudication of plays involving Lemieux.


Monday?s fiasco, in which Hebert and Sutherland sent off No. 48 for a combined 12:00 for invented infractions represented a nadir in professionalism."


Larry Brooks



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"2. We all know about reputation penalties, but Lemieux is the first guy to get generational reputation penalties, serving at least partially the sins of his dad, Claude.


Not since Sean Avery’s return to the Rangers in March 2009 have I seen such blatant bias in on-ice adjudication of plays involving Lemieux.


Monday’s fiasco, in which Hebert and Sutherland sent off No. 48 for a combined 12:00 for invented infractions represented a nadir in professionalism."


Larry Brooks




Which one of those refs was #15? Whichever one was 15 was fucking awful.

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"2. We all know about reputation penalties, but Lemieux is the first guy to get generational reputation penalties, serving at least partially the sins of his dad, Claude.


Not since Sean Avery?s return to the Rangers in March 2009 have I seen such blatant bias in on-ice adjudication of plays involving Lemieux.


Monday?s fiasco, in which Hebert and Sutherland sent off No. 48 for a combined 12:00 for invented infractions represented a nadir in professionalism."


Larry Brooks



I mean Brooks. Nuff said.
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It was a disgrace to officiating, but there's a lot of that now.


I was a habitual official abuser, my father is out of the sport now more or less because he couldn't stop himself from going full Jim Schoenfeld 4 times a month, I fuckin hate refs, but, I always thought they were very good at this level. I don't see how it can't be addressed. Subjectivity is hard to hide in HD.


One former NHL guy swore to me that he, and many others, believe they have league mandated scripts.

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It was a disgrace to officiating, but there's a lot of that now.


I was a habitual official abuser, my father is out of the sport now more or less because he couldn't stop himself from going full Jim Schoenfeld 4 times a month, I fuckin hate refs, but, I always thought they were very good at this level. I don't see how it can't be addressed. Subjectivity is hard to hide in HD.


One former NHL guy swore to me that he, and many others, believe they have league mandated scripts.


I doubt that, even if it feels like that sometimes. Think it's more incompetence than anything else. But also pretty clear the refs play favorites and in the case of Lemieux, not favorites. They expanded it to 2 refs and gave linesmen some leeway to call things, and yet it's no better and in many ways worse than ever. What I find very disturbing is they make a show of player safety but don't call a major as they should have on the Buch elbow. And there have been a bunch of examples of that this season.

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