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DeAngelo Clears Waivers Following Fight with Georgiev; Won't Play for Rangers Again

Blue Heaven

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So...Quinn wasn't supposed to tell Gorton about it?


Not sure what the right answer is to the problem. Depends on other issues we clearly don't know about. I mean, DeAngelo got benched for 2 games for slamming a penalty box door, or was there more we still do not know? So the answer to your question is...it depends. I give Quinn the benefit of the doubt that he was sick of DeAngelo's shit, but The Dude got pretty beat up for "fan fiction" when I see it as anything but fan fiction. It's very likely Quinn decided to report it up the chain.

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You gotta slow down. The beat writers, specifically Carp, said the puck thing may have happened in a different way and may be getting blown way out of proportion. The team said it didn't happen. That's at odds - they're not stories that agree with each other. Since the post you quoted, Carp clarified his statements to emphatically state that it didn't happen as Herman said it did.


As for JD? He's got a broken asset that they're going to sell for pennies on the dollar, so what he and JG say should be taken as "protecting an asset" right now. And maybe they know something we don't about the market for ADA, since they've been trying to trade him since the bubble.


Bingo. This isn't earnest transparency for the sake of transparency. It's PR wrangling.

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Not sure what the right answer is to the problem. Depends on other issues we clearly don't know about. I mean, DeAngelo got benched for 2 games for slamming a penalty box door, or was there more we still do not know?
No, he didn't. Everything that's happened with ADA this year is cumulative. They had talked to him about doing things like having outbursts at refs. He's a repeat offender.


So the answer to your question is...it depends. I give Quinn the benefit of the doubt that he was sick of DeAngelo's shit, but The Dude got pretty beat up for "fan fiction" when I see it as anything but fan fiction. It's very likely Quinn decided to report it up the chain.
"This most certainly is Quinn running to Gorton and being a fucking taddle tale because the player was vocal against him. " is certainly fan fiction.


Gorton is Quinn's boss. Gorton had a rule, ADA had one more strike. There's no way in hell a GM isn't going to find out about players fighting in the room, and if Gorton doesn't hear it from Quinn, what happens?


I didn't think the above really needed to be explained...Gorton is Quinn's boss, and when shit like that happens, you tell your boss. because if JD found out, went to Gorton, and Gorton didn't know...That's fucked.

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I'm willing to bet that we're not getting over half the story here. This probably goes back to the bubble, if not further. Nobody gets cut for just a poor reaction to being benched and a second event.


The poor reaction to the benching was the second to last straw. Provoking a fight with a teammate was the last one. There are almost assuredly so many more straws here.


Sounds to me more like it's Quinn being a tattletale and Gorton trying to act like a no nonsense "I mean what I say" jerk off. He even said he had to stay true to his words. He heard something about DeAngelo. He never "recovered " from his benching. More of a pissing contest than a disciplinary action.


DeAngelo is no doubt a difficult ass clown. The team really couldn't get past his past and his social media presence or more than likely the backlash from those with opposite views. It was all too much and a distraction. I believe that. I do. I also think it's part pissing contest with the GM,,a losing coach deflecting, and shaking up the team while clearing up their PR worries.


What ever. It's done. Hes not going to be a Ranger and the Rangers need to replace him with a more than serviceable player.

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Sounds to me more like it's Quinn being a tattletale and Gorton trying to act like a no nonsense "I mean what I say" jerk off. He even said he had to stay true to his words. He heard something about DeAngelo. He never "recovered " from his benching. More of a passing contest than a disciplinary action.


DeAngelo is no doubt a difficult ass clown. The team really couldn't get past his past and his social media presence or more than likely the backlash from those with opposite views. It was all too much and a distraction. I believe that. I do. I also think it's part pissing contest with the GM,,a losing coach deflecting, and shaking up the team while clearing up their PR worries.


What ever. It's done. Hes not going to be a Ranger and the Rangers need to replace him with a more than serviceable player.


All fan fiction.

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What are you talking about? Stick to what I actaully say, not what you are inferring and reading between the lines. My words are clear.


I said that the team report didn't jive with the reporting from the team's beat writers, which has been somewhat cleared up this morning with Carp backpedaling on the puckgate story, but still has holes elsewhere. Most notably, Brooks' report that Miller broke up the fight, which was "refuted" by Don LaGreca, who works for the team.


They did a decent job of clearing the haze, but the full picture is still missing pieces, likely because they don't want to sink DeAngelo's trade value even further while they seek a trade by validating historic problems he's had with the team prior to this.


Your words certainly are clear. You want to believe DeAngelo kept the puck from him, despite the team, and now reporters saying it DEFINITELY DIDN'T HAPPEN. Doesn't jive? They are all back peddling and the big boy (JD) felt it very necessary to address the matter before ANYTHING. JD is a stand up guy IMO.


Miller breaking up the fight has absolutely nothing to do with this puck thing? Why would that matter? If Miller did or didn't break up the fight, what could either scenario have to do with the puck???


PS I guess you missed the end there when I said I was being sarcastic about the inference...

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Sounds to me more like it's Quinn being a tattletale and Gorton trying to act like a no nonsense "I mean what I say" jerk off. He even said he had to stay true to his words. He heard something about DeAngelo. He never "recovered " from his benching. More of a passing contest than a disciplinary action.


DeAngelo is no doubt a difficult ass clown. The team really couldn't get past his past and his social media presence or more than likely the backlash from those with opposite views. It was all too much and a distraction. I believe that. I do. I also think it's part pissing contest with the GM,,a losing coach deflecting, and shaking up the team while clearing up their PR worries.


What ever. It's done. Hes not going to be a Ranger and the Rangers need to replace him with a more than serviceable player.






This thread is almost like watching WandaVision.

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I think the chain of events, all the little things he did over time adding up to cutting him, is the only logical scenario, not slamming a door, or needling Georgiev, it's all cumulative, and they made their decision, which is their decision, and certainly understandable to many degrees.


That's one thing.


The really scary part to me is the outright slander the player is facing on all corners of the internet. Portrayed as some clan member hellbent on making Miller's life miserable. That was all salacious horseshit peddled by people desperate for it to be true.

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Your words certainly are clear. You want to believe DeAngelo kept the puck from him


Diametrically opposed.


despite the team, and now reporters saying it DEFINITELY DIDN'T HAPPEN. Doesn't jive?


Correct, because Carp's initial report seemingly confirmed the puckgate report.


They are all back peddling and the big boy (JD) felt it very necessary to address the matter before ANYTHING. JD is a stand up guy IMO.


No, Carp is backpedaling.


Miller breaking up the fight has absolutely nothing to do with this puck thing? Why would that matter? If Miller did or didn't break up the fight, what could either scenario have to do with the puck???


Correct. It has to do with the big picture, which is why I said, literally, "They did a decent job of clearing the haze, but the full picture is still missing pieces, likely because they don't want to sink DeAngelo's trade value even further while they seek a trade by validating historic problems he's had with the team prior to this."

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Well with the air somewhat clearer maybe it ups his value.. No matter what, they are going to lose out in this. Trying to think of a bad contract they might take in return. I'd say Staal, but like someone already said, Yzerman wouldn't want him. He'd have to go to a strong locker room. Boston? Edmonton? Colorado? Would Torts want to deal with him?


I think you buy him out over the summer. It's the 'cheapest' route. Cap hit of $383k and $883k in year 2.

Theyll have to retain more than that via trade, and taking on a bad contract doesnt help future cap issues, either. Unless its the final year of a deal.

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I think the chain of events, all the little things he did over time adding up to cutting him, is the only logical scenario, not slamming a door, or needling Georgiev, it's all cumulative, and they made their decision, which is their decision, and certainly understandable to many degrees.


That's one thing.


The really scary part to me is the outright slander the player is facing on all corners of the internet. Portrayed as some clan member hellbent on making Miller's life miserable. That was all salacious horseshit peddled by people desperate for it to be true.


It's two separate things.


There's what actually happened - which the Rangers will assuredly keep under wraps - and you're quite right that's it's death by a thousand cuts here.


Then, there's the rest:


There's the person ADA is on the web and on social media - keyboard warrior with a bent toward conspiracy theories - that makes him an easy target but also adds in to speculation. There's the person ADA has been historically - his past is well known and well established and he's been punished for it many times. There's whomever leaked that info to Herman and got him to publish it - that fueled the flames and bluntly, was a garbage thing to do. Ultimately, people root for assholes to fail, and while he might have been angelic in the room, he was anything but that in every other aspect of his outward persona.


It's bullshit that the stories going around about what happened aren't factual (or at least, not confirmed as factual), but I have a hard time feeling bad for him when he's sleeping in a bed of his own making, based heavily on who he is known to be, and his employer can't really disclose the truth without destroying what little value he has left and probably ending his career.

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I think you buy him out over the summer. It's the 'cheapest' route. Cap hit of $383k and $883k in year 2.

Theyll have to retain more than that via trade, and taking on a bad contract doesnt help future cap issues, either. Unless its the final year of a deal.


It's a value question.


If you retain salary, you also skip that year 2 caphit in a year where you need to figure out Fox, Zibanejad, Kakko, and probably Kravtsov. Pushing that 883k extra hit from 2023 into 2022 by using a retained salary transaction might be the more valuable path, especially given that we're freeing up 9M in space just in buyouts at the end of this season.


It's a "well, are we getting our money's worth retaining somewhere between 400k and 2.4M in 2022 if we make this deal?"

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Sounds to me more like it's Quinn being a tattletale and Gorton trying to act like a no nonsense "I mean what I say" jerk off. He even said he had to stay true to his words. He heard something about DeAngelo. He never "recovered " from his benching. More of a pissing contest than a disciplinary action.


DeAngelo is no doubt a difficult ass clown. The team really couldn't get past his past and his social media presence or more than likely the backlash from those with opposite views. It was all too much and a distraction. I believe that. I do. I also think it's part pissing contest with the GM,,a losing coach deflecting, and shaking up the team while clearing up their PR worries.


What ever. It's done. Hes not going to be a Ranger and the Rangers need to replace him with a more than serviceable player.


You have spent a fair amount of time talking about Quinn being such a weak coach that he has lost the room. Yet, when Quinn (by your own narrative) uses the tools available to him to increase his control of the room by cutting out its most disruptive and divisive element, he's a "tattletale," somehow not manly enough to ... do what?


This team needs to get on a new page that is more focused and disciplined but quick. If Quinn being a tattletale achieves that, sounds like the right move to me. Time will tell, but - if last night is an indication - so far, so good.

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I think you buy him out over the summer. It's the 'cheapest' route. Cap hit of $383k and $883k in year 2.

Theyll have to retain more than that via trade, and taking on a bad contract doesnt help future cap issues, either. Unless its the final year of a deal.


Agreed, Josh! I think that's the ticket. I didn't realize the rule Phil tossed out there yesterday, but it would be even better if we could find a trade partner and maybe get a pick or something of at least a little value back.


At this point, I'd be glad to just give him away, and just not have to buy him out...

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You have spent a fair amount of time talking about Quinn being such a weak coach that he has lost the room. Yet, when Quinn (by your own narrative) uses the tools available to him to increase his control of the room by cutting out its most disruptive and divisive element, he's a "tattletale," somehow not manly enough to ... do what?


This team needs to get on a new page that is more focused and disciplined but quick. If Quinn being a tattletale achieves that, sounds like the right move to me. Time will tell, but - if last night is an indication - so far, so good.


Yes, two things are likely true.


1 - Tony was liked by his teammates.


2 - Tony was a distraction.


And true statement #3 - The team will be better off without the distraction.


The best thing for everyone is to ditch the drama and get back to focusing on hockey.

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Yes, two things are likely true.


1 - Tony was liked by his teammates.


2 - Tony was a distraction.


And true statement #3 - The team will be better off without the distraction.


The best thing for everyone is to ditch the drama and get back to focusing on hockey.


Pretty much this, though I'd amend the first to read "Tony was liked by most of his teammates." :rofl:

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Agreed, Josh! I think that's the ticket. I didn't realize the rule Phil tossed out there yesterday, but it would be even better if we could find a trade partner and maybe get a pick or something of at least a little value back.


At this point, I'd be glad to just give him away, and just not have to buy him out...


Unlikely. He was on waivers where he could have been taken for free and wasn't. NHL GMs aren't exceptionally generous people. They're not going to throw Gorton a life line here — more likely an anvil. They know he has to trade Tony. It'll be on their terms, not Gortons. Gortons only leverage is knowing he can send Tony home for the year and buy him out for very little impact if he can't find an amicable deal that doesn't sink his organization more than DeAngelo already has.

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Unlikely. He was on waivers where he could have been taken for free and wasn't. NHL GMs aren't exceptionally generous people. They're not going to throw Gorton a life line here — more likely an anvil. They know he has to trade Tony. It'll be on their terms, not Gortons. Gortons only leverage is knowing he can send Tony home for the year and buy him out for very little impact if he can't find an amicable deal that doesn't sink his organization more than DeAngelo already has.


Yeah I figured as much Phil. But at least we're hot holding a buyout like Shatty's with this one. This BuyOut is very manageable I think.

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This buy-out will pale in comparison to the others thankfully. They have so much coming off the books after this year that it's really not going to affect them making any moves. This is addition by subtraction to them with a pretty minimal penalty.


Cap-wise, but his on-ice offensive ability is going to be missed, bigly.

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