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Bowman Steps Down as GM of Blackhawks in Wake of Brad Aldrich Scandal

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5 minutes ago, siddious said:

Thats what I was thinking- these guys knew. They're all massive assholes. Ive been in hockey locker rooms and theres taunting and joking but this is just sick.

Not sure how involved Chevy was. I am assuming not very if he was let off without punishment.

Does it really matter to what degree he was involved? He was fully in the know of what had occurred. The fact that a person with as much authority as an assistant GM didn't raise the flag and publicly initiate some sort of action, makes him just as culpable as the others. So the fact he's getting off scot free really underlines this whole let's sweep this under the rug without ruffling too many feathers until the heat dies down. 

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3 minutes ago, Karan said:

Does it really matter to what degree he was involved? He was fully in the know of what had occurred. The fact that a person with as much authority as an assistant GM didn't raise the flag and publicly initiate some sort of action, makes him just as culpable as the others. So the fact he's getting off scot free really underlines this whole let's sweep this under the rug without ruffling too many feathers until the heat dies down. 

All fair. My point was maybe he didnt in fact know to the extent others knew. But its just as likely what you said. 

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8 minutes ago, siddious said:

All fair. My point was maybe he didnt in fact know to the extent others knew. But its just as likely what you said. 

If you read the report, he was in the same room as Quenneville, Bowman, and McDonough, when one of the people who did know about the allegations brought them forward to the organization. 


Later on May 23, within an hour after the Blackhawks won the playoff game that secured their place in the Stanley Cup Finals, five members of senior management (then-President John McDonough, MacIsaac, General Manager Stan Bowman, then-Executive Vice President Jay Blunk, and then-Assistant General Manager Kevin Cheveldayoff), along with then-head coach Joel Quenneville, and Gary, met to discuss what had been learned about Aldrich and John Doe.

https://jenner.com/system/assets/assets/11549/original/Report to the Chicago Blackhawks Hockey Team - October 2021.pdf

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2 minutes ago, phillyb said:

If you read the report, he was in the same room as Quenneville, Bowman, and McDonough, when one of the people who did know about the allegations brought them forward to the organization. 

https://jenner.com/system/assets/assets/11549/original/Report to the Chicago Blackhawks Hockey Team - October 2021.pdf

Then disregard what I said. NHL is a joke like always. 

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"As the Jenner & Block Report, subsequent review by the League this week, and today’s interview with Cheveldayoff make clear, Cheveldayoff’s participation at the May 23, 2010, meeting involving senior leaders from the Blackhawks’ management team was extremely limited in scope and substance," the league's statement read Friday. "In fact, in the course of the investigation, most of the participants in the May 23 meeting did not initially recall that Cheveldayoff was even present.

"As an Assistant General Manager at the time, Cheveldayoff, who reported directly to Stan Bowman, was the lowest ranking Club official in the room, and his position included no oversight responsibilities over the Club’s coaching staff. He was among the last to be included in the meeting; he was learning of the subject matter for the first time in the presence of his boss (then-GM Stan Bowman), his boss’ boss (then-CEO John McDonough) and the Head Coach (Joel Quenneville), who was Brad Aldrich’s direct superior; he had limited familiarity with the personnel involved; and he was essentially an observer to the discussion of possible next steps, which discussion, apparently, ended with Cheveldayoff believing that the matter was going to be investigated.

"Cheveldayoff’s role within the Blackhawks’ organization at the time not only left him without authority to make appropriate organizational decisions relating to this matter, but as importantly, he was not thereafter even in a position to have sufficient information to assess whether or not the matter was being adequately addressed by the Blackhawks. In short, Cheveldayoff was not a participant in either the formulation or execution of the Club’s response.


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On 10/29/2021 at 4:52 PM, SaveByRichter35 said:

Bettman gave a presser, and holy shit it only gets worse 

bettman stated the only person that identified Cheveldayoff in the meetings was himself. They’re still fucking lying

chicago punished less severely than Yotes having an unauthorized workout and less than NJ cap shit. In case you wonder what he nhl thinks of this 

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While it's true they're winless it shouldn't play into how they are punished for their past and ongoing behavior (not saying anyone here is saying it has played into it). The fine was an absolute joke. The fact that they're not even being honest about who was in the meeting when the guy admitted he himself was there is a continued slap in the face to those harmed and the process itself.  They should be dealt a meaningful fine and a loss of draft picks just to start and imo none of these guys should ever work a day in the nhl again.  If it grinds the team further into the ground it's well deserved and terribly long overdue.

For the life of me I can't understand Cheveldayoff surviving this, well I can the league continues to be a joke from the top down, and on the players side Fehr saying we messed up and need to do better is equally as insulting. They had an opportunity here to step up and take a huge step forward by raising the bar and setting a standard and ffs they did very little. Quenneville even coached an extra game. Kane and Towes talking about what a great guy Bowman is. 



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29 minutes ago, josh said:

chicago punished less severely than Yotes having an unauthorized workout and less than NJ cap shit. In case you wonder what he nhl thinks of this 

the league is doing what the league does, protect it’s owners. there’s a huge settlement coming for Beach, a first rounder who had his career earnings essentially stolen. it’s anyone’s guess but I’d have to think it’ll be north of $50mil. who knows, Beach’s camp may be asking for $100mil once you factor in emotional damage. the league knows this is coming and so the $2mil is what the room spit out as a number that’s not insignificant but also not really adding to the Hawks financial pain that’s about to drop next. 

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What the chicago was fined by the league should have nothing to do with whatever they end up owing Beach.  As others have pointed out The Devils and AZ were fined more for way less. The owners (Bettmen being the puppet) failing is par for the course, Fehr and the NHLPA is even harder to understand. I hope all the skeletons continue to be exposed so that maybe just maybe there's change across the league, until then they're all going to continue to wear clown shoes.

Again I don't think anybody here is going to bat for CH.  

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Duncan Keith who did a 15 min interview a couple days ago and said he didn't know Aldrich (even though he was the guy showing the previous game's videos) now says he wishes he would of sat down with J&B.  Ok asshole.

Marian Hossa knew nothing as well, go figure. 


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1 minute ago, siddious said:

It may have been stated somewhere but I havent seen it.. whats up with Brad Aldrich? Is he in prison? free? being sued? 

I saw someone on another board say he served his sentence and is out of prison.  Haven't seen proof though, didn't care to look it up.  I just hope he got his while he was in.

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9 minutes ago, siddious said:

It may have been stated somewhere but I havent seen it.. whats up with Brad Aldrich? Is he in prison? free? being sued? 

He owns a tech business in which he hires young college grads.


let me find the article



Where is Brad Aldrich now? He works at a company that employs college-aged interns


Brad works at a glass-etching company that employs college-aged interns

Brad Aldrich is the chief executive of OcuGlass, a Michigan-based glass etching company with ties to universities and colleges. The company launched in 2013 with four employees, and in five years, it had expanded to 30 employees. 


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