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[RS] (#81) Rangers vs Montreal Canadiens — CK54 Night


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1 minute ago, Valriera said:

They are just really, really, really bad. Like not even good enough to be in lineup bad. 

I could possibly live with Kakko. Chytil though. Fuck that dude already. He’s incredibly overpaid. Maybe somewhere else he can be serviceable. I don’t care. It’ll never be here. He’s not a center and he doesn’t have the shooting mentality of a winger. He’s useless for us. 

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6 minutes ago, rmc51 said:

I'm not gonna pretend I watched this game. Turned it on a couple of minutes ago. Did Lafreniere or Kakko do anything against this shit bag Canadiens team?

I thought Alf looked okay. Kakko passed up shooting opportunities a few times. I didn’t see anything there to make it move. 

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1 minute ago, Keirik said:

I thought Alf looked okay. Kakko passed up shooting opportunities a few times. I didn’t see anything there to make it move. 

Yukon at least looks like he may serve a purpose and is beginning to improve his game. 💩Kakko💩 and 💩Chytil💩 continue to flat out blow.  

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Maybe someone will read this, maybe no one....I'm at the point in life that I don't care anymore. My father passed away 5 years ago suddenly right in front of me, and he was a diehard Rangers fan. Of all the games we went to or watched together, they never won once, not once. And here I am all these years later, sitting and watching this team break my heart game in and game out. Tonight was beyond crushing--many fans joke about how hockey heartbreak drive them to the brink, but for me, it is no joke. I keep returning to the Rangers as an escape from the sorrows in my life, and they only drive me further to the end. I don't even want to watch the playoffs at this point, and we will forever be the same horrible team. There is no reason to root for this team, because even though they are relatively good this season, they are not exiting the first round. Am going to live my entire life without this team, the one team, the one thing I believed in my life living alone, continuing to break my heart and never win a championship. To lose the game today with 30 secs left, against the worst team in the league....I don't care that we didn't have our starters in, this is the end for me. I am crying as I write this, but I HATE my team. They have now finally killed me. With all the sadness in my life, hockey could've been the one thing to save me, and instead it has crushed me. There is nothing more to say, I have nothing left in my soul......

Edited by Adam
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15 minutes ago, rmc51 said:

I'm not gonna pretend I watched this game. Turned it on a couple of minutes ago. Did Lafreniere or Kakko do anything against this shit bag Canadiens team?

Not a god damn thing. Chytil was better than both. Gauthier had a stronger game than any forward not named Vatrano. Miller had some big ups but some downs that had me scratching my head. 


Mckegg wasn't bad either. Lafreniere and Kakko were very pedestrian. 

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9 minutes ago, Adam said:

Maybe someone will read this, maybe no one....I'm at the point in life that I don't care anymore. My father passed away 5 years ago suddenly right in front of me, and he was a diehard Rangers fan. Of all the games we went to or watched together, they never won once, not once. And here I am all these years later, sitting and watching this team break my heart game in and game out. Tonight was beyond crushing--many fans joke about how hockey heartbreak drive them to the brink, but for me, it is no joke. I keep returning to the Rangers as an escape from the sorrows in my life, and they only drive me further to the end. I don't even want to watch the playoffs at this point, and we will forever be the same horrible team. There is no reason to root for this team, because even though they are relatively good this season, they are not exiting the first round. Am going to live my entire life without this team, the one team, the one thing I believed in my life living alone, continuing to break my heart and never win a championship. To lose the game today with 30 secs left, against the worst team in the league....I don't care that we didn't have our starters in, this is the end for me. I am crying as I write this, but I HATE my team. They have now finally killed me. With all the sadness in my life, hockey could've been the one thing to save me, and instead it has crushed me. There is nothing more to say, I have nothing left in my soul......

This was a meaningless game.

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@Adam - better days lie ahead…they always do. I was looking at pics of me and my dad before tonight’s game and they got me. I miss him. Years have gone by since he passed and it’s still a challenge sometimes. I think this too…he’s watching tonight’s game saying it was a ‘throw away game’ so who cares really? 

Don’t be a METS, Knicks or a Giants fan either (Red Bulls too) as they all break hearts. Where do you go? Where is relief?


Right here. BSBH is like a therapy group! We’re all suffering or joying as one. It’s a tough life with NYR hockey for

al the reasons you mentioned. But there are no better fans. No better group on any board. We’ll get through this. You will to. 

Take a break if you need to - that’s cool. I doubt there is anyone here who hasn’t ‘turned away’ for some period of time…even if only a summer break. When you’re ready, we’re here to get you back on the bus. In fact, I’ll save a seat for you. Peace. 

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I'm giving up on watching, I have to. I've never been one to share my thoughts with anyone, always keep them buried inside, and now I'm regretting sharing. Going to delete my account and going back into my shell. I just want this pain to end, I need it to end. Feel so empty inside.

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23 minutes ago, Adam said:

Maybe someone will read this, maybe no one....I'm at the point in life that I don't care anymore. My father passed away 5 years ago suddenly right in front of me, and he was a diehard Rangers fan. Of all the games we went to or watched together, they never won once, not once. And here I am all these years later, sitting and watching this team break my heart game in and game out. Tonight was beyond crushing--many fans joke about how hockey heartbreak drive them to the brink, but for me, it is no joke. I keep returning to the Rangers as an escape from the sorrows in my life, and they only drive me further to the end. I don't even want to watch the playoffs at this point, and we will forever be the same horrible team. There is no reason to root for this team, because even though they are relatively good this season, they are not exiting the first round. Am going to live my entire life without this team, the one team, the one thing I believed in my life living alone, continuing to break my heart and never win a championship. To lose the game today with 30 secs left, against the worst team in the league....I don't care that we didn't have our starters in, this is the end for me. I am crying as I write this, but I HATE my team. They have now finally killed me. With all the sadness in my life, hockey could've been the one thing to save me, and instead it has crushed me. There is nothing more to say, I have nothing left in my soul......

Hey Adam I get it. Been there, still get there at times. The sense of loss is way bigger than this game. I lost my wife unexpectedly in 2016 after 28 years together. Rangers hockey was our thing. It was the one sport she would go all in on with me. A huge part of me died that day, and anybody that says it gets easier with time is full of shit. You relive that loss every morning. 18 months later I was in a drowning accident and was in a coma for months, woke up unable to walk, talk and now live with a brain injury that's cost me my career. My losses have been to many to count. My point is I live on that same edge, daily. It's horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. The fact that you're hear and had the balls to post that message is a pretty strong indicator that you're a fighter who's having a hard time. Probably trying to carry on in your Dad's honor because it's what he would want you to do. Some scars never heal and just know many others struggle on many levels to get through every day. It's no joke, it's hard as hell and some days the pain of the loses win out and the tears flow. Hang out here, jump in more often, win or lose there's some great people here, many who have been through a lot and many who are very supportive and will always listen. Fuck tonight's game, for now there's more games to come this year, maybe five maybe way more. There's a song by Shinedown that I live by Monsters. The theme is my monsters are real.


I have to deal with them every day and will the rest of my life and it sucks. I'm always hear to listen, just message me. 

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1 hour ago, jsrangers said:

Yukon at least looks like he may serve a purpose and is beginning to improve his game. 💩Kakko💩 and 💩Chytil💩 continue to flat out blow.  

I agree. I actually think Alf has turned a corner. Hisngrowth is still sort of stifled by lack of opportunities but I have a he'll of a lot more faith in his ability to take the next step than Krappo

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1 hour ago, Adam said:

Maybe someone will read this, maybe no one....I'm at the point in life that I don't care anymore. My father passed away 5 years ago suddenly right in front of me, and he was a diehard Rangers fan. Of all the games we went to or watched together, they never won once, not once. And here I am all these years later, sitting and watching this team break my heart game in and game out. Tonight was beyond crushing--many fans joke about how hockey heartbreak drive them to the brink, but for me, it is no joke. I keep returning to the Rangers as an escape from the sorrows in my life, and they only drive me further to the end. I don't even want to watch the playoffs at this point, and we will forever be the same horrible team. There is no reason to root for this team, because even though they are relatively good this season, they are not exiting the first round. Am going to live my entire life without this team, the one team, the one thing I believed in my life living alone, continuing to break my heart and never win a championship. To lose the game today with 30 secs left, against the worst team in the league....I don't care that we didn't have our starters in, this is the end for me. I am crying as I write this, but I HATE my team. They have now finally killed me. With all the sadness in my life, hockey could've been the one thing to save me, and instead it has crushed me. There is nothing more to say, I have nothing left in my soul......

Hey bud, I can't pretend to know what you are going through or your struggle, but this was the equivalent of a preseason game and stretch for the playoffs. Friday will be exsctly the same. I can't tell you to have faith but thos team is leaving it all out there most nights. 

    If you need someone to vent to by all means send me a private message. There are battles and there are wars. Don't ever lose the war. 

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Always great to see Georgiev in his "element"!  My God, sometimes I just have to sit back in my chair and giggle out loud!

...And here are the Top 9 nominees for Ozzy’s Quote of the GDT, sponsored by Plumber's Putty: "Super strong, but not nearly potent enough to patch our leaky goalie!"



4 hours ago, Karan said:

Canadian one wasn't bad. US one...eh, @Ozzy could probably fart out a better rendition. 


I'd need to fuel up at White Castle first...but I could probably hit some of those tenor notes for sure!!!  LOL


4 hours ago, CBrowningPI said:

I could do it with a kazoo!


3 hours ago, RJWantsTheCup said:

Georgiev almost fell over without even a shot at him


3 hours ago, Pistol Pete said:

Looked like Tanya Harding on that move!


2 hours ago, Keirik said:

This game has been so boring I actually shaved for the first time in like a year!


2 hours ago, fletch said:

Perfect game for drinking games and prop bets.  Whole intermission to come up with some for the third.


I may need to bump thatRanger Drinking Game thread again!  😉


2 hours ago, Keirik said:

Because he has the hockey IQ of a garden gnome!


1 hour ago, Flynn said:

Best news of the night. Probably only 60 more minutes of seeing Georgiev in a Rangers uniform. What a fucking sieve 


1 hour ago, br-avery said:

Kakko reminds me of Hossa....Marcel Hossa


Pure comedy tonight!  I gotta admit the entertainment value was pretty high going into this one!  I'm happy to say it definitely disappointed as expected!!

…and the winning quote for tonight’s GDT goes to The Big K @Keirik for pinpointing the intelligence level of our "Flying Fin"!

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Adam, with 32 teams and a few of them winning multiple championships, the fans of perhaps half the teams will never see their team win a championship.  Fortunately, the older crew here saw at least one.  If you can't find gratification in something short of winning, it's best to stop watching.


Of course, your reaction was understandable after watching Georgiev tonight...

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1 hour ago, jsrangers said:

Hey Adam I get it. Been there, still get there at times. The sense of loss is way bigger than this game. I lost my wife unexpectedly in 2016 after 28 years together. Rangers hockey was our thing. It was the one sport she would go all in on with me. A huge part of me died that day, and anybody that says it gets easier with time is full of shit. You relive that loss every morning. 18 months later I was in a drowning accident and was in a coma for months, woke up unable to walk, talk and now live with a brain injury that's cost me my career. My losses have been to many to count. My point is I live on that same edge, daily. It's horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. The fact that you're hear and had the balls to post that message is a pretty strong indicator that you're a fighter who's having a hard time. Probably trying to carry on in your Dad's honor because it's what he would want you to do. Some scars never heal and just know many others struggle on many levels to get through every day. It's no joke, it's hard as hell and some days the pain of the loses win out and the tears flow. Hang out here, jump in more often, win or lose there's some great people here, many who have been through a lot and many who are very supportive and will always listen. Fuck tonight's game, for now there's more games to come this year, maybe five maybe way more. There's a song by Shinedown that I live by Monsters. The theme is my monsters are real.


I have to deal with them every day and will the rest of my life and it sucks. I'm always hear to listen, just message me. 

Spot on. And as I sad to Adam, I say to you. If you ever need an avenue of communication, my door is always open with no judgement. 

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1992 playoffs Ron Francis from 65 feet right through John Vanbiesbrouck.....immediately went and flushed my head in the toilet bowl for about 10 flushes! 


How about the sweet little OT goal that JP Parise scored 11 seconds into OT against of all people, Eddie Giacomin (our superhero),  to eliminate us from the 1975 playoffs against the fucking hapless Islanders who got in the playoffs on their last game that year.


...or do we even go and contemplate the Kelly Miller/Mike Ridley deal for the legendary Bobby Carpenter?  LOL


The losing is what makes the winning that much sweeter, dude.  To say it best:


"It's not the kill, it's the thrill of the chase, my man!!!"


ice hockey sport GIF by NHL


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16 minutes ago, RJWantsTheCup said:

You forgot the Zubov trade Ozzy and I'm sure so many other glorious Rangers moves that are escaping my memory right now.


You're right RJ!  Way too many to list.  I think I've mentally blocked out seasons 1980-1989.

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3 hours ago, Ozzy said:

1992 playoffs Ron Francis from 65 feet right through John Vanbiesbrouck.....immediately went and flushed my head in the toilet bowl for about 10 flushes! 


It was the guy with his sweater in the rafters now, Richter.  Here's the setting: In the third period, we're up 3-1, poised to take a 3-1 lead in the series, with clear sailing to the cup thereafter (the Pens swept the next two series against inferior opponents).  The Pens get a 5 minute major!  The Rangers sit on the lead and do nothing on the PP.  Immediately thereafter, Francis scores from 70 feet to make it 3-2.  Rattled, Richter then allows the tying goal, goes for a dazed skate, and is 50 feet away from his net in the corner when they are about to drop the puck at center ice.  He is immediately pulled for Beezer.  The Pens win in OT, and the series is turned upside down.


Good thing the Rangers eked out the cup in '94.  It's a fine line between sweater in the rafters and Bill Buckner.

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8 minutes ago, Sod16 said:

It was the guy with his sweater in the rafters now, Richter.  Here's the setting: In the third period, we're up 3-1, poised to take a 3-1 lead in the series, with clear sailing to the cup thereafter (the Pens swept the next two series against inferior opponents).  The Pens get a 5 minute major!  The Rangers sit on the lead and do nothing on the PP.  Immediately thereafter, Francis scores from 70 feet to make it 3-2.  Rattled, Richter then allows the tying goal, goes for a dazed skate, and is 50 feet away from his net in the corner when they are about to drop the puck at center ice.  He is immediately pulled for Beezer.  The Pens win in OT, and the series is turned upside down.


Good thing the Rangers eked out the cup in '94.  It's a fine line between sweater in the rafters and Bill Buckner.

F'n bullshit suspension to Graves for his slash on Lemieux!!!!


Rangers most likely would have won the Cup that year.  Everything snowballed in that Pens series.  Also almost a bench clearing brawl after one of the games.  

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7 hours ago, Ozzy said:



How about the sweet little OT goal that JP Parise scored 11 seconds into OT against of all people, Eddie Giacomin (our superhero),  to eliminate us from the 1975 playoffs against the fucking hapless Islanders 



That shit STILL kills me to this day!! There was no TV. I had to sit in my car and listen to the game on the radio. I had to have the windshield replaced the next day..... 

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The series went back to the MSG, and the Rangers were obviously deflated, falling behind 2-0 early.  They dominated for over two periods and finally tied the score 2-2.  Then young number 68 scores on a one man effort.  Great players make great plays at the right time... and beat you in a series.


Anyway.  Too much is made of the late moves facilitating a cup win in '94.  We would have won in '92 absent that 70 foot goal.  Yes, we would have won with Mike Gartner and James Patrick, blah, blah, blah.

Edited by Sod16
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