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2021-22 ECQF #1: (2M) Rangers vs. (3M) Pittsburgh Penguins — to War!


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5 minutes ago, Phil said:


You're preaching to the congregation, homie. But it never should have gotten to that point. Rangers let the Penguins storm back by playing absolutely awful in the second.


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1 minute ago, ausman said:

Well I stand corrected.  Both Chelios and Messier on ESPN said it was the right call.  That clinches it for me

So did they say Kakko could have altered his path if not for the push? Thry're obviously long time pros and know about momentum when skating, it just looked there was barely any room to adjust.

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4 minutes ago, Blue Heaven said:

Chelios obviously hates the Rangers b/c he said Lindgren should have gotten a 5 and game for his clean hit.....and Messier probably doesn't want to sound like a homer or he hates the Rangers b/c he didn't get the head coaching job and they told him to fuck off

I'm going to go with Messier doesn't give two shits about what anybody thinks about his opinion. Don't remember him holding back much or being shy. 


Now let's get this done!! 

Edited by jsrangers
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