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2021-22 ECQF #1: (2M) Rangers vs. (3M) Pittsburgh Penguins — to War!


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So many troubling signs from one game. Such a league average 5v5 team, and that's how she's played in the playoffs.


If the big guys can't show up this series is meaningless as they'll get rolled in R2, anyways.

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Just now, RichieNextel305 said:

This team is absurd. So much talent and afraid to use it. They played like this was OT from period 2 on.


We. Are. Better. ATTACK.




Don't think we are. It's pretty even, actually. Not enough giving the Pens respect heading in.


Probably going to be a 7 gamer.

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Just now, Bugg said:

Need your stars to do something in the playoffs. Worked for Pens tonight.


Igor cannot score.


'nuf said.

Yepp panarin useless. Zib had a few good shifts but not impressive. 

rest of the team needs to show up for more than 1 period. 

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