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2021-22 ECQF #4: (2M) Rangers at (3M) Pittsburgh Penguins — Bringing it Back Around

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5 hours ago, Valriera said:

Frankly surprising too - let's not pretend like we'd expect this given the year the team had. Gallant had this team battling every game and ready to play. It's like we took a time machine back to DQ era for this game.

It's exactly like that. What's scary is I felt the last year of Quonns tenure was more of a player revolt, that intentionally didn't show up nightly, because they wanted the coach gone. It looks like that out there on both ends of the ice.


The lack of any team defense is disturbing. The lanes to the net, the clean shots, how much room and freedom the Pens have all over the offensive zone. I'd get it if Ranger forwards were getting trapped behind from a rush, but it's simple zone entries by the Pens that somehow look like they are on the PP. The Rangers look like they have given up, no matter the game situation.


They certainly mailed it in last night. I don't know if it's a sinking feeling due to the refs or something like that.  These calls/ non calls/ waived off goals can be deflating and can add up. The body language and the effort put forth is not the same Rangers team we saw most of the season. 


I hope there isn't another divide between the core players and the coach. Gallant is known to have a short shelf life, but I always figured that was always between him and management.  He's a players coach and one of the boys. This glum defeated team seems very, very off. 

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