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Filip Chytil Out With Suspected Concussion


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4 minutes ago, Morphinity 2.0 said:

And what was true for the Lindroses probably isn't true for Chytil. 

Swap in "probably isn't"  for "might not be" ... And sure, it might not be. But here's what's indisputable, once you have a concussion, you're likelihood of getting another one is increased. And if that's what gave him his first one... Well you make your own decisions, but if I saw my kid get a concussion from that, I'd be thinking twice about what sports he played. And for any other parent who would make a different decision, that's great for you, but CTE is a bitch. May the gods be ever in your favor. 

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24 minutes ago, Karan said:


Err yeah, that's the unfortunate reality of how such types of head injuries work in any human being, not just an athlete or even Chytil. It's a contact sport, shit happens, sometimes it doesn't take much. 🤷‍♂️ 

Yes, we don't disagree. But, again, what's indisputable is that once you have one (and we don't know that this is his first) your chances of getting another one go up.


Yes, this could have happened to anybody, but it happened to him. And there are plenty of players who have taken worse hits who have not gotten a diagnosed concussion from it.


I know I started off this thread by saying he was soft, but that was before it was determined he had a head injury. Now it's just worrisome that a top like that could take him out of a game. 


Take the player out of it, it's not personal. 

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9 minutes ago, jsm7302 said:

Was it Marc Staal who was out for a significant period of time with concussion symptoms back in that era of the team? I may be misremembering.

Yes. He came back for the Winter Classic in Philly.


How about Eric Lindros getting concussed by his own stick while he was delivering a hit to I think Rumen Ndur. 

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21 minutes ago, Pete said:

Yes, we don't disagree. But, again, what's indisputable is that once you have one (and we don't know that this is his first) your chances of getting another one go up.


Yes, this could have happened to anybody, but it happened to him. And there are plenty of players who have taken worse hits who have not gotten a diagnosed concussion from it.


I know I started off this thread by saying he was soft, but that was before it was determined he had a head injury. Now it's just worrisome that a top like that could take him out of a game. 


Take the player out of it, it's not personal. 


Yeah that's fair. For the record, and not that Dru would, but I wouldn't lose any sleep if Chytil were to be traded tomorrow for a 7th rounder. 😂

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8 minutes ago, rmc51 said:

The stats say otherwise.


Not sure you should be happy about having the same thoughts as Pete in this thread 😆


Of course he's not happy about it, but it still makes him right. 


Not everyone experiences the same joy you do in being wrong. 

Edited by Pete
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3 hours ago, Pete said:

There are people who are simply prone to easier concussions.  

I'm not sure that's accurate.  From what I remember, the only people who are prone to concussions are people whom have had a concussion.  Seems like if you get one, it kinda makes it easier to get them. 


I don't think getting a concussion of any kind,  no matter how you get it, makes a person soft. Shit happens. I'm sure we can look up videos of sports concussions and it'd amaze us at how easily it can happen to anyone. 





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3 minutes ago, The Dude said:

I'm not sure that's accurate.  From what I remember, the only people who are prone to concussions are people whom have had a concussion.  Seems like if you get one, it kinda makes it easier to get them. 


I don't think getting a concussion of any kind,  no matter how you get it, makes a person soft. Shit happens. I'm sure we can look up videos of sports concussions and it'd amaze us at how easily it can happen to anyone. 





It's actually quite accurate but y'all can believe whatever you want. 

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1 hour ago, Pete said:

And maybe I wasn't specific enough, but if that's the level of jolt that gives you a concussion, then God help you on an open ice hit. 


You're literally talking about two players who were gliding, and it wasn't even a head-on collision.


The level of excuse making in this thread is surreal. 

Excuse making? You're making this into you just not liking the player. Excuses for a blindsided contact concussion. I've read it all. Good job. 



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3 minutes ago, The Dude said:

Excuse making? You're making this into you just not liking the player. Excuses for a blindsided contact concussion. I've read it all. Good job. 



Yes, I don't like the player, so I paid somebody to have incidental contact with him, resulting in an injury to his brain. 

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10 minutes ago, Pete said:




I need sarcasm font. I was copying the shtick you always say to people when they skip out on providing stats, “shift goal posts”, or otherwise avoid followup to their claims. You’ve done that twice today so I joked with you twice.


Who peed in your wheaties this morning?

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3 minutes ago, rmc51 said:

I need sarcasm font. I was copying the shtick you always say to people when they skip out on providing stats, “shift goal posts”, or otherwise avoid followup to their claims. You’ve done that twice today so I joked with you twice.


Who peed in your wheaties this morning?

I was going to ask you the same LOL.


I'm not going to provide stats for the same shit I've been providing them for all along while everyone else ignores them. It's a waste. All you hear back is "the record!" Until, you know, they lost for all the same reasons some were pointing at all year long... Including every media member who follows the team. 


And that stuff has not been cleaned up despite cherry picking six games worth of data. 

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9 minutes ago, Pete said:

The one percentile of what? What are you even talking about? Can you form a complete sentence and make your point? 

What we are discussing.  I responded to your comment about how accurate your take is on how some people get concussions easier than others.  WTF else would I be talking about?


1% of the population carries a gene that makes them more susceptible to concussions than others, according to studies, which I assumed you are so well versed in due to your profound knowledge of the subject. 


https://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2020/11/30/concussion-could-your-genes-increase-your-risk/#:~:text="We screened the entire genome,may be at increased risk."


Are you here to discuss the topic or just pound your chest saying you're the concussion expert? 


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10 minutes ago, The Dude said:

What we are discussing.  I responded to your comment about how accurate your take is on how some people get concussions easier than others.  WTF else would I be talking about?


1% of the population carries a gene that makes them more susceptible to concussions than others, according to studies, which I assumed you are so well versed in due to your profound knowledge of the subject. 


https://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2020/11/30/concussion-could-your-genes-increase-your-risk/#:~:text="We screened the entire genome,may be at increased risk."


Are you here to discuss the topic or just pound your chest saying you're the concussion expert? 


I'm not an expert. Everyone else is claiming to be. I'm not the one talking about the lack of informed opinions in the thread. Ironically, no one has proven anything I said to be untrue, even you.


Me: "Some people get concussions more easily than others"

You: "Only 1% do"


OK so like I said, some people get them easier than others. And even your link only talks about a genetic reason, meaning DNA related. The doesn't cover the wide wide world of other reasons one person could more likely experience a concussion related to the sport of hockey than another.


Person A could have a genetic predisposition to concussion AKA carry the concussion gene than person B, but person B could have a lack of spatial awareness, neck strength, maybe just be a shittier player who doesn't protect themselves the way person A does.


They moved Lindros to the wing because he didn't skate with his head up with the puck, and they thought he'd carry he puck less as a winger.


Bottom line there are many reasons players get concussions, but the incidental contact that caused this one is worrisome.

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1 hour ago, rmc51 said:

The stats say otherwise.


Not sure you should be happy about having the same thoughts as Pete in this thread 😆


I’ve made plenty of comments about the bottom 6 this season. it didn’t start here.



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12 minutes ago, Pete said:

I'm not an expert. Everyone else is claiming to be. I'm not the one talking about the lack of informed opinions in the thread. Ironically, no one has proven anything I said to be untrue, even you.


Me: "Some people get concussions more easily than others"

You: "Only 1% do"


OK so like I said, some people get them easier than others. And even your link only talks about a genetic reason, meaning DNA related. The doesn't cover the wide wide world of other reasons one person could more likely experience a concussion related to the sport of hockey than another.


Person A could have a genetic predisposition to concussion AKA carry the concussion gene than person B, but person B could have a lack of spatial awareness, neck strength, maybe just be a shittier player who doesn't protect themselves the way person A does.


They moved Lindros to the wing because he didn't skate with his head up with the puck, and they thought he'd carry he puck less as a winger.


Bottom line there are many reasons players get concussions, but the incidental contact that caused this one is worrisome.

Is it any different than athletes going down on non-contact ACL tears? They step a certain way and snap. It happened to Saquon Barkley and that dude for sure never skipped leg day in the gym.


Chytil has almost definitely taken hits up high before in his many years of contact hockey. This unexpected contact of shoulder to the head obviously caught him just right up high. I’m not reading too much into it, though the obvious concern remains with all players who have suffered a concussion. Successive concussions are easier to get. Ask Crosby 6 months ago.

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19 minutes ago, rmc51 said:

Is it any different than athletes going down on non-contact ACL tears? They step a certain way and snap. It happened to Saquon Barkley and that dude for sure never skipped leg day in the gym.


Chytil has almost definitely taken hits up high before in his many years of contact hockey. This unexpected contact of shoulder to the head obviously caught him just right up high. I’m not reading too much into it, though the obvious concern remains with all players who have suffered a concussion. Successive concussions are easier to get. Ask Crosby 6 months ago.

Agree. And same as when an athlete gets an ACL tear, now you worry about more knee injuries. 


Look at this point we're assuming it's a concussion. What if it wasn't? The point is that as far as hockey hits go, this wasn't a big one. And he has a history of injuries, which is concerning, and if it was a concussion now he has his first documented one which is also concerning.


Why is everyone acting like this is some sort of personal attack against the player, and reacting like it was a personal attack against them? 

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22 minutes ago, Pete said:

I'm not an expert. Everyone else is claiming to be. I'm not the one talking about the lack of informed opinions in the thread. Ironically, no one has proven anything I said to be untrue, even you.


Me: "Some people get concussions more easily than others"

You: "Only 1% do"


OK so like I said, some people get them easier than others. And even your link only talks about a genetic reason, meaning DNA related. The doesn't cover the wide wide world of other reasons one person could more likely experience a concussion related to the sport of hockey than another.


Person A could have a genetic predisposition to concussion AKA carry the concussion gene than person B, but person B could have a lack of spatial awareness, neck strength, maybe just be a shittier player who doesn't protect themselves the way person A does.


They moved Lindros to the wing because he didn't skate with his head up with the puck, and they thought he'd carry he puck less as a winger.


Bottom line there are many reasons players get concussions, but the incidental contact that caused this one is worrisome.

I think there's a big difference between saying some people don't protect themselves or brace themselves properly vs some people get concussions easier than others.  


Then to refer to this scenario of incidental blind sided contact as an example of such a statement is just awkward and reeks more like you just not liking the player and trying to justify a comment you just won't walk back an inch on. Which is fine I guess as some of us are standing pat on our takes. If that's what you believe (as wrong as it is) that's just how it is. 


Yes, some players set themselves up with poor awareness or being oblivious to their surroundings. This isn't what anyone is discussing and it has nothing to do with this situation. How do you protect yourself from incidental contact from behind? There's self awareness,  but this doesn't seem to be one if those cases, as this was pretty awkward. I guess we disagree on how awkward and impractical of a situation it is.


Seems like you just think he is weak and should have been stronger.  I don't mean to be putting words in your mouth with such a comment.  But the "maybe he shouldn't be playing hockey" type of comment leads me to believe that's what you are thinking. 


If you're going to keep  "moving the goalposts" I guess we have exhausted this conversation. I'll move along. 

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