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The Julien Gauthier Redemption Tour?


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I'm as big a Reaves fan as there is, but as long as Gauthier is playing like this, the longer he should stay in the lineup ahead of Reaves. Carpenter is a plug. He doesn't move the needle in either direction, so the fourth line has largely been defined by the guys on his wings this year, who've left much to be desired. Reaves is one of them. Gauthier's speed and fearless net-crashing has actually given that line a really unique feature it simply doesn't have when Reaves is in the lineup instead.


By all means, play him against the heavies, but this should be Gauthier's spot to lose at this point.

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30 minutes ago, Phil said:

I'm as big a Reaves fan as there is, but as long as Gauthier is playing like this, the longer he should stay in the lineup ahead of Reaves. Carpenter is a plug. He doesn't move the needle in either direction, so the fourth line has largely been defined by the guys on his wings this year, who've left much to be desired. Reaves is one of them. Gauthier's speed and fearless net-crashing has actually given that line a really unique feature it simply doesn't have when Reaves is in the lineup instead.


By all means, play him against the heavies, but this should be Gauthier's spot to lose at this point.


You know I'm all in on Reaves, but I can't disagree with any of this.

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48 minutes ago, Phil said:

I'm as big a Reaves fan as there is, but as long as Gauthier is playing like this, the longer he should stay in the lineup ahead of Reaves. Carpenter is a plug. He doesn't move the needle in either direction, so the fourth line has largely been defined by the guys on his wings this year, who've left much to be desired. Reaves is one of them. Gauthier's speed and fearless net-crashing has actually given that line a really unique feature it simply doesn't have when Reaves is in the lineup instead.


By all means, play him against the heavies, but this should be Gauthier's spot to lose at this point.

its 78 degrees outside and i think its snowing. 

Episode 5 Omg GIF by BLoafX

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@The Dude!!!


I yelled out "DUUUUUUUUDE" when Goat slid that beauty home to tie it!!!


I've been rooting for this kid for a good stretch now,and I think he's starting to get it!!  Would be great if he could be a consistent 4th liner for us.  He's got all the speed, size and all the energy!

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4th line needs to establish an identity. To do that, they have to stay together, like any other line. 


Also, swapping in guys like Blais and Gauthier on the 4th line is fine. Adding Kravtsov to that mix... Not so much. You're changing the dynamic.


Keep Krav with Panarin and let the 4th line just do their thing. Move Goody up to top RW of you think you need late game management. Sit the 4th line in that situation. 

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41 minutes ago, Pete said:

4th line needs to establish an identity. To do that, they have to stay together, like any other line. 


Also, swapping in guys like Blais and Gauthier on the 4th line is fine. Adding Kravtsov to that mix... Not so much. You're changing the dynamic.


Keep Krav with Panarin and let the 4th line just do their thing. Move Goody up to top RW of you think you need late game management. Sit the 4th line in that situation. 

Pete for coach!

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54 minutes ago, Pete said:

4th line needs to establish an identity. To do that, they have to stay together, like any other line. 


Also, swapping in guys like Blais and Gauthier on the 4th line is fine. Adding Kravtsov to that mix... Not so much. You're changing the dynamic.


Keep Krav with Panarin and let the 4th line just do their thing. Move Goody up to top RW of you think you need late game management. Sit the 4th line in that situation. 


Ring Ring Yes GIF by Great Big Story

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59 minutes ago, RJWantsTheCup said:

Gauthier strikes me as the guy who has to sit a couple of games every now and again to keep him playing hungry.

I like what he brings in terms of size and speed. Rare that a guy that size skates so well. 

By all means play him. He’s earned it and seems to be finding his NHL self. 

But be tempered in your optimism.


He doesn’t possess the shot of a goal scorer. But maybe he’s finding a finishers hands right now?


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I’ve said it many times before. Gauthier will be a late bloomer and a 25-30 goal guy in his career. The speed and size combination is just too good, and it’s really been about when  he starts converting all of the chances he gets from those traits…like last night’s goal. Guys who are 6’4 and can skate like he can are very rare.


I just figured there was no chance it’d be here. Still unlikely it’s here, but you never know. The first team he’s on that can give him 15+ a night will probably be happy with the results.

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13 hours ago, Ozzy said:

@The Dude!!!


I yelled out "DUUUUUUUUDE" when Goat slid that beauty home to tie it!!!


I've been rooting for this kid for a good stretch now,and I think he's starting to get it!!  Would be great if he could be a consistent 4th liner for us.  He's got all the speed, size and all the energy!

It seems like he has to get on the scoresheet every game, in order for him to remain in the lineup.  Every goal is a pardon for (at most) 2-3 games.  Then its time to sit. A bit unfair of a challenge to put on a 4th liner getting 9 minutes a night. 


IMO the guy brings it every night.  Clearly the room is pulling for him too (as you can see the bench goes nuts when he scores). Too bad the coach kinda isn't.  


I'm obviously the resident fan boy for Gauthier, but why in the hell isn't he getting a sniff on PP2? 


The unit only gets enough time for maayyybe one rush/set up. Might as well let the all or nothing guy, who brings it to the net consistently have his go at it. It's better than the poor cycling job by Lafrenière,  Miller and Trouba, which often leads to a waste of 25 -30 seconds. 


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3 hours ago, RangersIn7 said:

I like what he brings in terms of size and speed. Rare that a guy that size skates so well. 

By all means play him. He’s earned it and seems to be finding his NHL self. 

But be tempered in your optimism.


He doesn’t possess the shot of a goal scorer. But maybe he’s finding a finishers hands right now?


Or he's finally getting a chance. He has a good shot. He just doesn't play and has/had flaws to other parts of his game that coaches seemed to focus more on, instead of using him in a way that suites his strong points. They like his size and speed along with how he takes the puck to the net. But want him to be a checking forward....  Not like they couldn't use a size/ speed guy who hoes to the net in the top 6....


The guy is either an idiot or has some kind of attitude/chip on his shoulder, that makes coaches not want to put him in a position to succeed.


He's gotten maybe 8 shifts in the top 6 in 3 years. Dryden Hunt spent 3/4 of a season with Panarin. Jimmy Vesey gets top 6 minutes over this guy. It's gotta be the players  attitude or mental capacity.  I don't understand why he hasn't gotten more looks in a scoring role. 

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3 hours ago, josh said:

He’s gotta be a headcase. Skate, shoot, go to the net. It’s his bread and butter, he just refuses to do it. Probably one of the best shots on the team. Also the fastest. 

I swear I watch different games. That's all he does. And he does it consistently. More so than any player on the team. Who else cuts to the net on this team? Why aren't his linemates going there with him to mop up on what is likely going to be a rebound? Crash the net! Everyone! Good things happen when you go to the net... So, why is only one guy doing it? 

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2 minutes ago, The Dude said:

I swear I watch different games. That's all he does. And he does it consistently. More so than any player on the team. Who else cuts to the net on this team? Why aren't his linemates going there with him to mop up on what is likely going to be a rebound? Crash the net! Everyone! Good things happen when you go to the net... So, why is only one guy doing it? 


What it is, I think, is that people don't care to notice it if it's not resulting in points.


It's nice having Gauthier give some respectability to the 4th line, but he's deserving of more.

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I think it's more that when he's engaged, he is scoring and creating chances, so if he's not at least creating chances it's mostly because he's not engaged and not doing anything at all. Be consistent. If not in results, at least in effort. 

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