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[RS #13] Rangers vs Detroit Red Wings — Copp Revenge Game

Morphinity 2.0

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Early season assessment…Halak is not the answer as a #2.  Laffy is still idle and needs to show something.  Kakko most improved since last season by far. Not sure about Jones.  Out of position a lot, lots of give aways, and overall meh…Blais still hasn’t shown anything.  Rangers still playing until the last whistle regardless of score (unlike the Pens whose octogenarian roster can’t play more than 40 minutes)…Breadman looking like he’s trying to live up to his poor self assessment from last season.  PP moves the puck like no other PP in the league, but needs to remember to shoot!  Kreider and Zeb need to try and improve the dry spells and make them more like trickles rather than the tap completely out…

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