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[RS #50] Rangers vs Calgary Flames — Back to the Grind

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2 minutes ago, BrooksBurner said:

You guys are being homers. It wasn’t a kick. He turned his skate and his entire body was moving towards the net. He didn’t kick with his leg.


Here’s a thought though, the Rangers have had multiple opportunities to build a bigger lead than 1 goal, and they’ve blown every 1 goal lead. And now they are losing. Because they can’t play defense worth a shit. Again.

Or maybe just some see it differently?  You’re not the beacon of objectivity. You just see it differently than others. 

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2 minutes ago, Keirik said:

Nah, he kicked it. It doesn’t have to be a full wind up kick. He still kicked it. They just over analyzed it to the point of insanity. 

Except it does have to be an obvious kicking motion now.  The rule changed 2 seasons ago.  Maybe even last season.  You're now allowed, clearly by what happened here, to redirect the puck into the net.  Which is exactly what he did.

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3 minutes ago, SaveByRichter35 said:

But he didn't kick it.  He redirected it.

What are you talking about? He used his skate, and there was a definite pushing movement with his skate towards the goal. He may not have wound up and kicked it, but his skate was going towards the goal. He knew what he was doing.



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