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2023-24 ECF #3: Rangers vs. Florida Panthers — Starts With a W!

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1 minute ago, siddious said:

Alright fair enough.


espn showed a 2 second replay then went to commercial 


I'm just gonna add this to my sig: I'm sorry you guys have to watch ESPN lol

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Trip… no call.  Laviolette won’t do it but the refs in this series should be absolutely roasted for uneven officiating.  ESPN should do it but they stopped being a sports journalism net and started sucking the teat long ago.

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Not for nothing but Igor has let in three really soft goals and one fluke this series. He’s been the worst goalie by far so far too. Not immune from the raise your level shit 

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Period frustrating as hell. We’ve got the fourth line playing their ass off, lafreniere with a perfect finish, and we’ve got ridiculous refereeing. The frustrating part is we’ve got Mika’s line, Igor, and our entire defense just gifting Florida the way into the game with two powerplay goals from the goal line. The mantra “every play matters” is just not something they’re getting, and it’s the final four. They may never get it, and it may cost us the cup. These guys need to wake the fuck up. Should be 2-0 right now off two 5on5 goals. We have been the best team in this series if you discount fluky and soft goals.

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