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2023-24 ECF #5: Rangers vs. Florida Panthers — Big Three Meet Best of Three

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Posted (edited)

Their guys want it way more than ours. Their guys are much better than ours.


I am absolutely finished with this core. Finished. I’ve seen enough. I’m not wasting Igors prime the same way I watched Henrik have his wasted.


Somehow, someway, one of these overpriced, no-shows need to go in the summer. I don’t care how. I don’t care who. Break this fragile-minded, soft pussy locker room up. I am absolutely finished with this shit. This core has had their kick. Rip the cord, get rid of some of the coasters and try again. Do NOT sit stagnant. Because this isn’t changing. The players on this team are too soft.

Edited by RichieNextel305
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12 minutes ago, Myusername said:

I'm not sure what he's supposed to do exactly

Well, I'm not a coach and never played the sport, so I don't know.  It was just an observation anyway.  I just meant there doesn't seem to be one for the Rangers.

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Got to be the worst fucking team ever with the goalie pulled. They can’t even make it interesting for like 10 seconds.


As usual in the O-zone no one’s moving their feet. One guy dumps the puck and everyone just stands still. Then two lost puck battles its over.


And now they’re gonna start whining to the ref again. Just stfu - wouldn’t have scored anyway.

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