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Unfortunate News About BSBH Member 'The Dude'


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Many of you have been asking about The Dude. We haven't been able to fully corroborate or confirm this, but we feel comfortable with the amount of information we have been able to privately gather to update the community on his whereabouts. Unfortunately, the information we have strongly leads us to believe he tragically passed away in late April, which is exactly when he abruptly stopped posting.




   We don't really have many specific details and out of respect for the family and friends, we prefer not to pry any further and would prefer not to speculate any further. He will be missed and on behalf of BSBH, may he be remembered for his contributions to our community over the years here. 

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  • Phil changed the title to Unfortunate News About BSBH Member 'The Dude'

He'll be missed. For as much as anyone, myself included, would argue with him to the ends of the earth, he was one of our most active voices and was fearless about what he believed.

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