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Keenan and 1994

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1 hour ago, Blue Heaven said:

Turning point of the series was Graves slash on Lemieux, Graves got a 5 game suspension and Lemieux miraculously healed by the next game.  Graves was made out to be the gooniest of goons.  Who the F gets suspended 5 games in the playoffs?  Same play happens now its a 2:00 penalty, if its even called at all. 

Gotta protect the golden boy.

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9 hours ago, Flynn said:

All true- 


1) However win in 92  and perhaps the Messier-Rog feud loses its teeth- or at the very least you don't need to turn to Keenan to break a curse that's been broken already. Messier powerplay is fine, but it doesn't create the desperation we see in 94.

2) Win in 92 and you can move Beezer earlier- for a better return than Doug fucking Lidster


I just wonder what happens with Doug Weight, Tony Amonte.. Even though old- Mike Gartner (trading him for the corpse of Glenn Anderson still makes me shake my head)  had 92 worked. You don't need to trade for Larmer.. Its a much younger core. Falling apart like a 2 dollar lawn chair against Pitt.. Man- what if.    


1) Eve if the Rangers had won in 1992, the Messier-Neilson feud still would have persisted.  One of them had to go.


2) Maybe move Vanbiesbrouck a year earlier.  But who would have been Richter's backup?


3) With Keenan as coach, he would have moved Heaven and Earth together to get Larmer on his team.

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