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The Jacob Trouba Fiasco: Buyout? Trade? Nope, He's Probably Returning Afterall

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

At this point, dictator Drury would look the best. If, after all this, Trouba is still on the team next year, that's even worse to me. He's one of the worst players on the team, making one of the highest salaries on the team. Give me dictator Drury.

I mean, yeah. I agree. And isn’t that the job of the GM? To ice the most competitive roster?


If he feels it is in the best interest of the Rangers for Troubas cap hit to be off the books, why is he a dick for trying to make it happen? Because a players wife has an important job?


Again, not trying to be a dick. But this isn’t Drurys problem…at all.

Edited by RichieNextel305
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1 minute ago, RichieNextel305 said:



And it’s unfair to Drury, because he’s either going to look like a dictator by banishing him or like a pussy for keeping him. Either way, he comes out of this looking bad.

Nah if he's worried about looking bad by doing anything other than taking every possible step to make his team better he's doing it wrong and needs to gtfo as I would say about any other GM in any sport. 


Dicking around the fringes more likely than not isn't going to cut it. I don't think they're any kind of better on paper than they were 2 weeks ago. Still early'ish in the off season although the draft and opening day of FA have passed, but the premature excitement about what may of happened going into today landed flat, face first.

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1 hour ago, BrooksBurner said:

It's ok to be frustrated, but don't stoop down to this loser's level:



It's still just sports guys. It's supposed to amount to being a fun hobby.

Yeah, people need therapy when it gets to that level.


Again, there is gonna be a portion of this fanbase who feel a certain way about this. And honestly? Can’t fault them. I think this has been handled horribly by the Rangers, by the media, by Drury and also by Trouba. I don’t think one party has handled this the right way.


But don’t be like that guy.

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7 hours ago, Scott said:

Meh - whole situation sucks for the team. But I really don't understand the bolded part. I get he may not like it but what is there to accept if they deal him to a club not on his no trade list?  I mean piss off at that point, no? 

I didn't get that either ... What does it mean that he won't accept a trade?

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7 hours ago, RichieNextel305 said:

That’s my point.


Like it or not, but fans are gonna feel the way they want to feel.


And honestly, you can’t blame them. The picture hasn’t been painted too rosy here for Trouba.


And it’s unfair to Drury, because he’s either going to look like a dictator by banishing him or like a pussy for keeping him. Either way, he comes out of this looking bad.


Understood. But what would be the lesser of the 2 evils?  Remember, the fans care about winning first and foremost. So which move would more likely help the team win?

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1 hour ago, Pete said:

I didn't get that either ... What does it mean that he won't accept a trade?


Theoretically it means he intends to retire if forced to leave town.  Which would solve the Rangers problem also.


I think the minute that I needed that cap space I would put Trouba on waivers and let him make that decision based on who claimed him.


There is a world in which he gets claimed by the Isles or Devils and decides not to retire.  This would not be wonderful for the Rangers but it might be better than having Trouba on the cap the next two seasons.

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11 minutes ago, Br4d said:


Theoretically it means he intends to retire if forced to leave town.  Which would solve the Rangers problem also.


I think the minute that I needed that cap space I would put Trouba on waivers and let him make that decision based on who claimed him.


There is a world in which he gets claimed by the Isles or Devils and decides not to retire.  This would not be wonderful for the Rangers but it might be better than having Trouba on the cap the next two seasons.

I don't know about retire but failure to report to a new team is grounds for contract termination. 


He's got 15 teams he's willing to go to per his list but I can see a team not on wanting to deal with this because of they make a trade and Trouba doesn't report, then what happens? They're screwed. 


Man, what a mess. Brooks broke a trade that never was real.

Who knows what Trouba really thinks because now I don't believe anything he says (and how does everyone just gloss over that this is pretty much all Brooks' doing by reporting on a bad source?), but allegedly Trouba wouldn't report. 


I went to sleep last night thinking Drury fucked this up but this morning it feels like none of it was ever in his control after the leak. 

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29 minutes ago, Pete said:

I don't know about retire but failure to report to a new team is grounds for contract termination. 


He's got 15 teams he's willing to go to per his list but I can see a team not on wanting to deal with this because of they make a trade and Trouba doesn't report, then what happens? They're screwed. 


Man, what a mess. Brooks broke a trade that never was real.

Who knows what Trouba really thinks because now I don't believe anything he says (and how does everyone just gloss over that this is pretty much all Brooks' doing by reporting on a bad source?), but allegedly Trouba wouldn't report. 


I went to sleep last night thinking Drury fucked this up but this morning it feels like none of it was ever in his control after the leak. 

The truth is probably a jumbled mess somewhere in the middle. 

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1 hour ago, Rangers1994 said:

Personally, I'm inclined to give Trouba one more season due to his intangibles. But if a good deal comes along, Drury should at least listen....

That’s a lot of money to pay for intangibles. For someone that offers little defensive value and is prone to put the team short handed more than a 3rd pairing D should 

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As an aside, can a player who everyone knows the franchise would prefer to get rid of continue to be the captain of his team? Should the Rangers take the "C" away from Trouba if he stays? Or would that cause even more unrest behind the scenes?

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30 minutes ago, BrooksBurner said:

Trouba could just agree to terminate his contract, take a year off to support his wife and baby, and sign with a new team the following year.


This is probably the best answer for the Troubas short of the Rangers just buying him out which would solve their problems.

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51 minutes ago, Mistercosmic said:

As an aside, can a player who everyone knows the franchise would prefer to get rid of continue to be the captain of his team? Should the Rangers take the "C" away from Trouba if he stays? Or would that cause even more unrest behind the scenes?

I think that would be a disaster. If he is back next season, just leave well enough alone there. The pot has already been stirred. That would make things look so much worse than they are already.

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2 hours ago, Pete said:

I don't know about retire but failure to report to a new team is grounds for contract termination. 


He's got 15 teams he's willing to go to per his list but I can see a team not on wanting to deal with this because of they make a trade and Trouba doesn't report, then what happens? They're screwed. 


Man, what a mess. Brooks broke a trade that never was real.

Who knows what Trouba really thinks because now I don't believe anything he says (and how does everyone just gloss over that this is pretty much all Brooks' doing by reporting on a bad source?), but allegedly Trouba wouldn't report. 


I went to sleep last night thinking Drury fucked this up but this morning it feels like none of it was ever in his control after the leak. 

Maybe someone within the Rangers organization (Drury) leaked it to Brooks basically trying to force a trade and it totally backfired in their face.  Brooks article was published at like 4:30 AM in the morning the day of the draft, so someone in the inner circle was pulling an all nighter.  

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Just now, Blue Heaven said:

Maybe someone within the Rangers organization (Drury) leaked it to Brooks basically trying to force a trade and it totally backfired in their face.  Brooks article was published at like 4:30 AM in the morning the day of the draft, so someone in the inner circle was pulling an all nighter.  

Yes, 100%, and the leak just might have been from Drury himself. Something with the trade didn’t go as planned, so the team flipped into damage control. Lawrence Mel Brooks is only going to report that kind of detail if it’s rock solid info straight from the horse’s mouth. Drury might have been caught with his pants down….

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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, BrooksBurner said:

Yes, 100%, and the leak just might have been from Drury himself. Something with the trade didn’t go as planned, so the team flipped into damage control. Lawrence Mel Brooks is only going to report that kind of detail if it’s rock solid info straight from the horse’s mouth. Drury might have been caught with his pants down….

Brooks has a batting average lower than Rey Ordonez thus far this off-season. Kane, this. Not a good look for Larry. I don’t know how you fix this. And if you’re Drury and you find a team that’s willing to take Trouba with retention, I don’t know how you don’t do it. But again, who’s taking him? It was a hard enough sell but add on the fact he will likely be unhappy anywhere he goes? 

I actually feel bad for Drury here. I really do. Whoever leaked all of this really fucked the Rangers because now with this being a public spectacle and the issue with his wife being as public as they are, no one is taking him. Even teams not on his list. So we may be stuck not only with a brutal contract in 24-25, which is holding us back from potential help in the form of 1-year deals with other helpful players, but stuck with an unhappy brutal contract who happens to wear the C. Just a mess.

Edited by RichieNextel305
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