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The Jacob Trouba Fiasco: Buyout? Trade? Nope, He's Probably Returning Afterall

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18 hours ago, siddious said:


No one is arguing this.


But hes upset because the team wants to move him. The team is well within its rights, according to the contract he signed, to move him to one of the 15 teams he has agreed to go to. Its not even being cut throat, its just professional sports. This home-life bull shit needs to stop. Every player ever traded has had home life considerations. 


Trouba isnt living up to his contract number and is not only a logical choice to move for hockey reasons but financial ones as well.



Then Trouba should take a pay cut if he wants to stay.

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3 hours ago, Rangers1994 said:

Then Trouba should take a pay cut if he wants to stay.


Only 2 options with Trouba:


1. Trade...which right now looks arduous, but not totally impossible

2. Buyout....which would be murderous


I think we could also waive him, but his cap hit would still be close to I think $6.75 million or so if he played in the minors....which is dead cap.  No thanks on that either.


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43 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

It's going to be ugly no matter what happens. Feathers have been ruffled, bridges have been burned, there's no going back regardless.

It's hard to see a way back from this. 


Brooks really screwed up here. Leaking a fake trade story, and then also be the first to blame his wife's residency. I'd imagine the team is not thrilled with him right now.

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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Pete said:

It's hard to see a way back from this. 


Brooks really screwed up here. Leaking a fake trade story, and then also be the first to blame his wife's residency. I'd imagine the team is not thrilled with him right now.

I don’t know how they’re going to handle the Brooks situation. If Trouba does stay, it’s asking a lot of him to have to see Brooks every single day at the rink, knowing hes the reason for this blowing up. Brooks really screwed the pooch here. I don’t know how this will all be handled.

Edited by RichieNextel305
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Trouba is the reason this blew up. His hot head hockey skills lost its enjoyment when he also sucked at his defensive abilities. He is to blame. 

I am a family man and totally get it. But as a pro athlete, you signed on for this type of lifestyle. 

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Mdk154 said:

Trouba is the reason this blew up. His hot head hockey skills lost its enjoyment when he also sucked at his defensive abilities. He is to blame. 

I am a family man and totally get it. But as a pro athlete, you signed on for this type of lifestyle. 

There are two separate things happening. 


Him being "blindsided" that the team would even want to trade him, yeah that's kind of tone deaf.


But hearing in the media that a trade has been negotiated without your list being delivered, and then having your family brought into it, he has every right to be upset and he didn't do that The media did. There are also no quotes directly from him saying that he wouldn't report to a new team. This is all playing out first and foremost in the New York Post. 


This all could have been handled behind closed doors and quietly if not for Brooks. 

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19 minutes ago, Mdk154 said:

Trouba is the reason this blew up. His hot head hockey skills lost its enjoyment when he also sucked at his defensive abilities. He is to blame. 

I am a family man and totally get it. But as a pro athlete, you signed on for this type of lifestyle. 

See. Like, typically I wouldn’t agree here because I feel this is extreme. Particularly the hot head hockey skills part, really.


But…..I do agree.


This isn’t a discussion if Troubas play hasn’t slipped to the point that it has. Obviously we have a cap crunch coming up, so to rule it out completely is probably not accurate either. At some point, something has to give.


But if Trouba were playing better, this conversation likely isn’t the way it is now, where people want him out the door and the fans are mad and spiraling with the story.

And I also get the last part too. That’s not to say he isn’t within his rights. He is. But again, I could see why fans are thinking what they’re thinking about this situation provided with what has been said in the media so far.


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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, RichieNextel305 said:

See. Like, typically I wouldn’t agree here because I feel this is extreme. Particularly the hot head hockey skills part, really.


But…..I do agree.


This isn’t a discussion if Troubas play hasn’t slipped to the point that it has. Obviously we have a cap crunch coming up, so to rule it out completely is probably not accurate either. At some point, something has to give.


But if Trouba were playing better, this conversation likely isn’t the way it is now, where people want him out the door and the fans are mad and spiraling with the story.

And I also get the last part too. That’s not to say he isn’t within his rights. He is. But again, I could see why fans are thinking what they’re thinking about this situation provided with what has been said in the media so far.


With All due respect, even if he played as well in April and May as he did in October, if this same scenario happened fans would still be up his ass because the Rangers lost and they're looking for somebody to blame and a lion's share just don't know how to handle the disappointment of being a sports fan. 


If you're a sports fan and all you signed up for is championships, then you'll always going to be disappointed, you'll be doubly disappointed If you only want those championships to come via players you suggest or a style that you think the team should be playing.


(That's not you personally, it's the proverbial you)

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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Pete said:

With All due respect, even if he played as well in April and May as he did in October, if this same scenario happened fans would still be up his ass because the Rangers lost and they're looking for somebody to blame and a lion's share just don't know how to handle the disappointment of being a sports fan. 


If you're a sports fan and all you signed up for is championships, then you'll always going to be disappointed, you'll be doubly disappointed If you only want those championships to come via players you suggest or a style that you think the team should be playing.


(That's not you personally, it's the proverbial you)

My issue is the cap hit and the fact that it’s a stranglehold. The Rangers have a solid team. But this solid team is on the brink of hell within a year with what lays ahead for Drury and Co. I don’t envy him at all.


This isn’t the thread for Igors deal or Laffys or even Miller, who often gets forgotten about. He factors in too because he’s gonna get some money too, I’m sure.


Whether we won the Cup, lost the Cup, there would always be a talk about the next form of action in terms of either keeping this Cup winning core together or how to rock the boat. In either scenario, Trouba is in the limelight just because of his AAV. It’s an easy contract to pick on because he makes what he makes and there is no bang for the buck there really. And when it starts to (in the fans eyes) prohibit moves that can potentially help the Rangers get closer to the ultimate goal, yeah, there are some hard feelings that will surely develop. And I’m sure the cries will grow louder and louder if it prohibits the Rangers from locking down some of these guys they need to lock down.


All this story has done is given the fans gasoline to pour on top of the fire. Whether it’s right or wrong, that’s anyone’s own judgement. And what I’m seeing not only here but on places like Twitter or even bullshitting with guys I work with or friends and family about the situation is that it’s almost like listening to Republicans and Democrats go at it: you’re never gonna make one side see differently at all.


I have my thoughts. And honestly, they probably lay right in the middle of everyone else’s. I get the anger, I think the anger is a bit excessive. But I do understand the anger.


Its gonna be interesting to see how this all shakes out with Brooks being around this team as often as he is.

Edited by RichieNextel305
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50 minutes ago, RichieNextel305 said:

I don’t know how they’re going to handle the Brooks situation. If Trouba does stay, it’s asking a lot of him to have to see Brooks every single day at the rink, knowing hes the reason for this blowing up. Brooks really screwed the pooch here. I don’t know how this will all be handled.

This blaming Brooks doesn’t make sense to me. He is not going to make it up out of thin air, and he’s not publishing it unless it’s rock solid. He was obviously told this from someone with intimate knowledge of the situation.


Ultimately though, this is Drury’s doing, and to be honest, who cares? Trouba’s pissed? Some locker room awkwardness? Scaring away potential free agents who are looking for a pay day with no expectations to live up to the contract? Boo fucking hoo.

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13 minutes ago, RichieNextel305 said:

All this story has done is given the fans gasoline to pour on top of the fire. Whether it’s right or wrong, that’s anyone’s own judgement. And what I’m seeing not only here but on places like Twitter or even bullshitting with guys I work with or friends and family about the situation is that it’s almost like listening to Republicans and Democrats go at it: you’re never gonna make one side see differently at all.

I think it's bigger than that, I think the internet in general has given certain people the right to think that their opinion matters and that they have the right to say whatever they want about whoever they want. 


Frankly, whatever happens between the player and the organization is between them, fans have no right to those details. Social media makes them think they do because the coverage is constant and instantaneous, but the reality is as a fan it's none of your business what gets discussed between Drury and Trouba. Whatever this may be, whether it's a trade or something else. 


There are some things that are for fan consumption, I don't believe this is one of those things.

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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, BrooksBurner said:

This blaming Brooks doesn’t make sense to me. He is not going to make it up out of thin air, and he’s not publishing it unless it’s rock solid. He was obviously told this from someone with intimate knowledge of the situation.


Ultimately though, this is Drury’s doing, and to be honest, who cares? Trouba’s pissed? Some locker room awkwardness? Scaring away potential free agents who are looking for a pay day with no expectations to live up to the contract? Boo fucking hoo.

And you know this for fact, how?

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8 minutes ago, Pete said:

I think it's bigger than that, I think the internet in general has given certain people the right to think that their opinion matters and that they have the right to say whatever they want about whoever they want. 


Frankly, whatever happens between the player and the organization is between them, fans have no right to those details. Social media makes them think they do because the coverage is constant and instantaneous, but the reality is as a fan it's none of your business what gets discussed between Drury and Trouba. Whatever this may be, whether it's a trade or something else. 


There are some things that are for fan consumption, I don't believe this is one of those things.

I think what also doesn’t help is that it is a dead period for hockey, this time of the year. This just gives people something to talk about.


Honestly, I have no issue with it. If people want to go nuts on fan boards or Twitter, go for it. To me, that’s fine. When you’re that in the open, people are gonna talk about and dissect things. It’s what fans do.


When people personally attack someone or send someone like direct messages or anything like that, that’s where I think someone is stepping over a line.

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15 minutes ago, BrooksBurner said:

This blaming Brooks doesn’t make sense to me. He is not going to make it up out of thin air, and he’s not publishing it unless it’s rock solid. He was obviously told this from someone with intimate knowledge of the situation.


Ultimately though, this is Drury’s doing, and to be honest, who cares? Trouba’s pissed? Some locker room awkwardness? Scaring away potential free agents who are looking for a pay day with no expectations to live up to the contract? Boo fucking hoo.

I’m torn man. I really am.


I see this POV too.


I’m pretty split down the middle on the trains of thought involved in all of this.


I’m just gonna bow out for now because I honestly don’t think I can add anything constructive to the discussion. I really am torn on the whole thing.

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The other thing to realize is that Trouba is making a campaign out of staying on the Rangers.  He has his reps have probably been doing this from the get-go.


It was going to be hard to ensure he stayed on the team under that contract and they're pulling out all the stops at this point to try to make that happen.


Entitled vet.  What's new?

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43 minutes ago, RichieNextel305 said:

I think what also doesn’t help is that it is a dead period for hockey, this time of the year. This just gives people something to talk about.


Honestly, I have no issue with it. If people want to go nuts on fan boards or Twitter, go for it. To me, that’s fine. When you’re that in the open, people are gonna talk about and dissect things. It’s what fans do.


When people personally attack someone or send someone like direct messages or anything like that, that’s where I think someone is stepping over a line.

Yeah. I think what we're starting to see however, is that some people can't handle disappointment in sports in a mature manner.


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Posted (edited)
39 minutes ago, Br4d said:

The other thing to realize is that Trouba is making a campaign out of staying on the Rangers.  He has his reps have probably been doing this from the get-go.


It was going to be hard to ensure he stayed on the team under that contract and they're pulling out all the stops at this point to try to make that happen.


Entitled vet.  What's new?

My guy. Trouba has not made a statement, nor has his agent. What on God's green earth are you talking about?


I think rejecting a trade to somebody on your list is an asshole maneuver. 


But what you're saying is literally fiction.

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2 minutes ago, Pete said:

My guy. Trouba has not made a statement, nor has his agent. What on God's green earth are you talking about?


I think rejecting a trade to somebody on your list is an asshole maneuver. 


But what you're saying is literally fiction.


Vince just confirmed on his podcast that Trouba and his agent intentionally slow-walked this in an effort to sabotage any trade talks.


The Rangers asked for his list early, and he refused, and then the report about Detroit got out, and Vince said something about how he wouldn't be surprised if Trouba's agent intentionally put Detroit on his list to kill that option.

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1 hour ago, BrooksBurner said:

This blaming Brooks doesn’t make sense to me. He is not going to make it up out of thin air, and he’s not publishing it unless it’s rock solid. He was obviously told this from someone with intimate knowledge of the situation.


Ultimately though, this is Drury’s doing, and to be honest, who cares? Trouba’s pissed? Some locker room awkwardness? Scaring away potential free agents who are looking for a pay day with no expectations to live up to the contract? Boo fucking hoo.

Ironic how you switch to third person when being criticized, but gleefully take credit when praised. Own it, punk.

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6 minutes ago, Phil said:


Vince just confirmed on his podcast that Trouba and his agent intentionally slow-walked this in an effort to sabotage any trade talks.


The Rangers asked for his list early, and he refused, and then the report about Detroit got out, and Vince said something about how he wouldn't be surprised if Trouba's agent intentionally put Detroit on his list to kill that option.

If thats the case then Drury really doesnt come off well here.



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9 minutes ago, Pete said:

My guy. Trouba has not made a statement, nor has his agent. What on God's green earth are you talking about?


I think rejecting a trade to somebody on your list is an asshole maneuver. 


But what you're saying is literally fiction.


I think Trouba's done a masterful job (or his agent, who is a notorious hardass) of making any move where Trouba gets dealt feel like a cruel move for the Rangers to make. It's not true, of course.


They've got 16 teams they can move him to. It'll be very interesting to see if they manage to do it.

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