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The Jacob Trouba Fiasco: Buyout? Trade? Nope, He's Probably Returning Afterall

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2 minutes ago, RichieNextel305 said:

I tend to agree but I am also not surprised.


I remember having a chat here a few weeks ago about Guentzel. And how the issue wouldn’t be this year, had they been able to move Trouba. If we moved Trouba, we theoretically could have signed Guentzel. And the premise was you know what? If they don’t win it this year, there’s movement anyway. Whether it’s Kreider/Mika/Panarin going, or whether you opt to not sign Igor, or whatever. So the discussion was: Why not put your best foot forward this year, make a run and if you fall on your face, blow the whole core up anyway.


I kind of saw that point. But I also understand that’s very…..video game-ish. And unlikely. And wild.


But I also didn’t think they would be as handicapped today as they were. In reality, I knew that idea of Guentzel was pie-in-the-sky. But I didn’t think guys like even Arvidsson, or others listed today were also so far out of range. Basically, I didn’t think “settling” for Reilly Smith as our best bet for a step forward next year would be our play.


Thats simply just not enough. Honestly, if you’re not going to throw it all at next year, then maybe it is time to deal a core member, recoup some assets, open some space and to concentrate on the next window (which is right there too). 

Doing next to nothing for this current roster isn’t going to work. They didn’t need to go into today spending money like the Predators did. We’re not as far off the mark as they are. But we do need help. And next year.


I mean, shit. As if all of that wasn’t bad enough, then Slafkovsky secured a bag and helps our case against Lafreniere. I mean, today just was not a good day for the Rangers. No one is saying they should have signed bad contracts. But they did nothing at all. Nothing creative, nothing of relevance. Lots and lots of time until camp. But, this current roster seems a bit naked up front.


Well the thing is we had guys on here saying "I don't care at all about 2 seasons from now", and here Drury is making decisions solely in preparation of 2 seasons from now. So I'm walking away right now with a similar feeling as this past trade deadline: "At least he didn't mess up the cap or deal a 1st round pick". That's tolerable from my point of view. If I were sold on the roster like others here, I'd be pissed. At worst he could have fallen back on a Trouba buy out if he can't wind up trading him, and he would have had another 4 million to spend today. Figure out the cap issue next year when that time comes. He's clearly not willing to shove all in, either at the deadline or in free agency, but he also seems too timid to potentially make the team worse temporarily. Again, maybe that changes in the upcoming weeks. There could be more.

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12 minutes ago, BrooksBurner said:


If they fail again you can just blame the GM this time.

The funny thing about you is when you're whining the only person you don't whine about is the only one who was a documented disaster (and when I say documented I mean not the stuff you make up in your head and then treat as fact) and still remains unemployed.


Good call there buddy 👍🏼 

Edited by Pete
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9 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

If anything this only reinforces those who think the core and this team are softer than baby shit. I understand being upset about the Ramsey and Goodrow situations, but it wouldn't affect my determination and goal of winning the Cup.

Wanting to be treated with professional respect and dignity now means "softer than baby shit".


My Lord this place has gone totally off the reservation.

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2 minutes ago, Pete said:

Wanting to be treated with professional respect and dignity now means "softer than baby shit".


My Lord this place has gone totally off the reservation.

No, I mean if it's really going to bother them that much. Things like this are an unfortunate part of sports. I hope whatever ill will there may be doesn't linger and/or drive people away is all.

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20 minutes ago, Pete said:

https://www.lohud.com/story/sports/nhl/rangers/2024/07/01/rangers-acquire-reilly-smith-but-must-do-more-to-reach-stanley-cup-goal/74269238007/#:~:text=There's a perception,of players%2C either.





Well, you guys wanted disruption in the locker room. I'm sure it will lead to positive performance is all around and the ability to draw free agents...mmmkkkkkk. 

Yup, blame the fans. Its our fault 

The Office Reaction GIF

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When Trouba signed this current seven-year, $56M contract in July of 2019 after having been acquired as a pending restricted free agent from Winnipeg, his five-year no-movement clause was designed to expire in conjunction with his wife Kelly Tyson-Trouba’s completion of her three-year residency at a New York hospital.


But Dr. Tyson-Trouba’s residency was deferred for a year at the start so that the program which she is required to complete will end instead on July 1, 2025. The Troubas also welcomed their first child, a boy named Axel, in mid-January.


There is no guarantee that Jacob Trouba would accept a trade even to a club on his approved list if that means leaving his wife and nine-month-old (as of training camp) behind. It is not as if Dr. Tyson-Trouba can pick up, transfer her credits to another hospital, accompany her husband and still be licensed as a physician.


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1 minute ago, Sharpshooter said:

No, I mean if it's really going to bother them that much. Things like this are an unfortunate part of sports. I hope whatever ill will there may be doesn't linger and/or drive people away is all.

What do you mean bother them that much? How does anybody know how much they were bothered? Does it say in the news that they went angry panda? 


You're all taking about a 10th of the information and running with it. 

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3 minutes ago, Albatrosss said:

Yup, blame the fans. Its our fault 

The Office Reaction GIF

What a silly comment. The fans have no power. Only Brooks thinks he can control the outcome by complaining hard enough about it. 


I'm simply pointing out, be careful what you wish for. You guys wanted an unhappy locker room, and now you're going to have one. We'll see how well they do this year.

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Just now, Pete said:

What do you mean bother them that much? How does anybody know how much they were bothered? Does it say in the news that they went angry panda? 


You're all taking about a 10th of the information and running with it. 

It's enough information. You even said yourself how badly the Goodrow thing was handled and could understand other players not being happy with how it went down, after he worked in good faith the whole time. Things like that aren't a great look to other team members or those on the outside.

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Just now, Sharpshooter said:

It's enough information. You even said yourself how badly the Goodrow thing was handled and could understand other players not being happy with how it went down, after he worked in good faith the whole time. Things like that aren't a great look to other team members or those on the outside.

My point is you're acting like the players are having a nervous breakdown when in reality it could have been as simple as a couple of players saying they thought it was fucked up and then they go about their day. 

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5 minutes ago, Pete said:

We know fans don't care. Unfortunately it's irrelevant what fans think. Nor I do fans decide who's earned the right to do what. 


It only matters what the players think. If you think that this is the best way to get players to perform, I don't know what to say to that other than I completely disagree. If you think players are going to want to come here after this got played out so publicly, I also disagree.


The whole line of thinking just reeks of fans are upset so they want the players to be upset too. It's petty. 

But that’s not it. Teams act like this all the time. For as long as time goes on. It’s sports. These are adults. Player movement isn’t reserved for just video games and fantasy hockey. It happens in real life too. If a team that has, whether we like it or not, has fallen short of expectations not once, not twice but 3 times in 3 years, and is so put off by change that it effects their play during the course of the regular season, then that’s their own problem. And that mindset is a losing mindset.


I get your point. I see it too. To an extent. But you have to see mine too. I’m not trying to make it seem like they’re robots and that in comes a mean old witch looking to change up every single thing they’ve become accustomed to. But at some point, if the formula isn’t working, the formula needs to be changed, no? And especially in the world of a Salary Cap. Where every cent is important, to the point we’re nickel and diming potential helps for a position of need in preparation for our showdowns with both Igor and Laffys agents a year from now.


I like this group. They have fun together. They’re loose. They’re easy to root for. And they aren’t that far off. But again, they haven’t ultimately won shit here. I’m not saying to blow the world up. All I’m saying is that if they privately have their thoughts on the potential of losing a teammate they care for, fine. But I don’t think any group therapies sessions should be scheduled here. This is a team that hasn’t gotten it done, needs help in areas and desperately needs cap room. And the most logical place happens to be with Trouba, who is a shell of his former self and may prohibit us from making moves to either keep the dream alive or to integrate outside pieces to push us over the edge.


They're not robots. They’re people. I get it. But this team is adding fuel to the fire that their mentality is fragile by having shit like this leak. You just got beat in the Conference Finals. It was a good ride, but a ride that didn’t end where we wanted it to. Changes need to be made. This is one of them.

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Just now, Sharpshooter said:

Trouba might even wind up still being here by the time opening night rolls around. A disaster class by Drury.

Yeah there's no denying he fucked this up big time. 


Well, the leak didn't help, but he should have just dealt with it swiftly. It's worse that it's getting dragged out. 

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2 minutes ago, Pete said:

Yeah there's no denying he fucked this up big time. 


Well, the leak didn't help, but he should have just dealt with it swiftly. It's worse that it's getting dragged out. 

See, now this I agree with.


This should have been a conversation that was had, a move that was made and that was that.


Whoever leaked this story is probably losing whatever source they had within the organization.


I don’t want you thinking that I don’t think this whole ordeal is a mess. I know it is.

Edited by RichieNextel305
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Just now, RichieNextel305 said:

But that’s not it. Teams act like this all the time. For as long as time goes on. It’s sports. These are adults. Player movement isn’t reserved for just video games and fantasy hockey. It happens in real life too. If a team that has, whether we like it or not, has fallen short of expectations not once, not twice but 3 times in 3 years, and is so put off by change that it effects their play during the course of the regular season, then that’s their own problem. And that mindset is a losing mindset.


I get your point. I see it too. To an extent. But you have to see mine too. I’m not trying to make it seem like they’re robots and that in comes a mean old witch looking to change up every single thing they’ve become accustomed to. But at some point, if the formula isn’t working, the formula needs to be changed, no? And especially in the world of a Salary Cap. Where every cent is important, to the point we’re nickel and diming potential helps for a position of need in preparation for our showdowns with both Igor and Laffys agents a year from now.


I like this group. They have fun together. They’re loose. They’re easy to root for. And they aren’t that far off. But again, they haven’t ultimately won shit here. I’m not saying to blow the world up. All I’m saying is that if they privately have their thoughts on the potential of losing a teammate they care for, fine. But I don’t think any group therapies sessions should be scheduled here. This is a team that hasn’t gotten it done, needs help in areas and desperately needs cap room. And the most logical place happens to be with Trouba, who is a shell of his former self and may prohibit us from making moves to either keep the dream alive or to integrate outside pieces to push us over the edge.


They're not robots. They’re people. I get it. But this team is adding fuel to the fire that their mentality is fragile by having shit like this leak. You just got beat in the Conference Finals. It was a good ride, but a ride that didn’t end where we wanted it to. Changes need to be made. This is one of them.

I don't think anybody's upset that the players are being moved, it's all about the way it's being handled. 


Again, we can either bury our heads in the sand and act like it doesn't matter, but it matters to the players. Goodrow negotiated a 15 team list because he wanted to have a say in where he went and then the GM pulled an end around and sent him where he didn't want to go. That's fucked up and if it happened to you you wouldn't like it. Yes, it's a business, and yes that's sports, and yes it's fucked up the way it went down. 


This whole thing playing out with a deal being in place for a player when they didn't have his list yet is also fucked up. And anybody in the players position would feel that way. 


I'm sorry, but I just don't think fans have any idea what's going on and should have any say in dictating how the players should feel about any of this. 


The whole reason this is such a big story is because this doesn't happen all the time in sports. This is a fucked up thing and that's why there's so much spotlight on it. 

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5 minutes ago, Pete said:

What a silly comment. The fans have no power. Only Brooks thinks he can control the outcome by complaining hard enough about it. 


I'm simply pointing out, be careful what you wish for. You guys wanted an unhappy locker room, and now you're going to have one. We'll see how well they do this year.

Like you said it doesn’t matter what we think. Why you sweating it then?  We are all armchair GMs here, including you, so why troll? 

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Just now, Sharpshooter said:

Did someone within the organization leak this, or maybe Trouba's agent to make the Rangers look extra shitty? 


Smart money says it was Drury. Forcing Trouba to play ball.


I don't think we can tell if it worked yet. Free agency isn't the only way to utilize cap savings from a Trouba trade. In the next several days, Trouba could be a Wing, and the Rangers might have pulled off a big follow up trade to make great use of the cap space.

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1 minute ago, BrooksBurner said:


Smart money says it was Drury. Forcing Trouba to play ball.


I don't think we can tell if it worked yet. Free agency isn't the only way to utilize cap savings from a Trouba trade. In the next several days, Trouba could be a Wing, and the Rangers might have pulled off a big follow up trade to make great use of the cap space.

I really hope so. Shedding that salary and making a huge trade would go a long way to improving the team. Of course we have no idea what's going on, and these things take time.

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8 minutes ago, Albatrosss said:

Like you said it doesn’t matter what we think. Why you sweating it then?  We are all armchair GMs here, including you, so why troll? 

It's trolling to point out that people asked for locker room disruption and now they have it? K.

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