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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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A little bit of advice. Sit on the computer with your fiancee one night and go through all the possible halls before going to visit them. You will eliminate more than half of them before you even walk in. Save yourself a lot of time and get to sit at the beach that much more!


Already done lol.

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I'm just sayin - I'm a 10 minute detour off the path you travel several times a week and you make no time to say hi.


I'm also sure your friend, like every other aspiring DJ in NYC, is boring.


Her company is overrated. You're not missing much.

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UGH, so got a phone call from my sister tonight, telling me my dads uncle was found dead inside his house, by his neighbor. So my gram is the last sibling remaining from her family


So going to my mom's aunts funeral in the am and now to see when the next one will be.


Sorry man.

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UGH, so got a phone call from my sister tonight, telling me my dads uncle was found dead inside his house, by his neighbor. So my gram is the last sibling remaining from her family


So going to my mom's aunts funeral in the am and now to see when the next one will be.


Sorry to hear that dude.

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UGH, so got a phone call from my sister tonight, telling me my dads uncle was found dead inside his house, by his neighbor. So my gram is the last sibling remaining from her family


So going to my mom's aunts funeral in the am and now to see when the next one will be.


Damn, some hard times for your family. So sorry. :(

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Congrats Jules! What's your decorating style? Hope it's not milk crates and lawn chairs! :rofl:


LOL, no no. I'll post pics when it's done. ;) I guess it'll be a mix of things I have and the cheap stuff at IKEA. And a TV, desk for my computer and pictures on the wall.

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I've never been to Ikea. It's all "modern" stuff, right? I like shabby chic, English country garden decor. :)


IKEA has stuff for everyone. It's not always very modern. I think IKEA is a very affordable option for students and starters and maybe even everyone else, depending on what you are shopping for. The quality isn't everlasting, but it's good enough. The prices are very fair and the store is always so huge that you can find anything there. Now I am personally not a fan of shabby chic English interiors - I like it in gardens though! - but I am convinced you could find plenty of your liking at IKEA.

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I'm sure you've seen "my favorite things" pictures on my FB page. That's what I like. :)


Yeah, that's maybe a bit hard to find at IKEA. The store is more about furniture itself and about practical accessoires.

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