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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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had to put my cat to sleep last night. Felt terrible doing it but he was in terribly bad shape and had like a 10% survival rate with his issues plus would have been in extreme pain even trying to go through treatment ( also it would have cost 5k-7k to treat him)


Still feel terrible about it. Oh well.

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had to put my cat to sleep last night. Felt terrible doing it but he was in terribly bad shape and had like a 10% survival rate with his issues plus would have been in extreme pain even trying to go through treatment ( also it would have cost 5k-7k to treat him)


Still feel terrible about it. Oh well.


That's awful, Keith. Sorry to hear it. Owners having to put down their animals is never easy and always totally heart-breaking. My fianc?e has two cats, one that's already 12 and has a life expectancy of 15 years, tops. She's already struggling to jump the same way she used to so I have a feeling we'll end up looking at this option in the next few years, too. Obviously I don't care for cats (especially that one) so it won't affect me much personally, but it'll really upset her so I still need to be considerate of her feelings, too.

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had to put my cat to sleep last night. Felt terrible doing it but he was in terribly bad shape and had like a 10% survival rate with his issues plus would have been in extreme pain even trying to go through treatment ( also it would have cost 5k-7k to treat him)


Still feel terrible about it. Oh well.

Sorry to hear this. I know it's a tough choice to have to make.

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had to put my cat to sleep last night. Felt terrible doing it but he was in terribly bad shape and had like a 10% survival rate with his issues plus would have been in extreme pain even trying to go through treatment ( also it would have cost 5k-7k to treat him)


Still feel terrible about it. Oh well.


Aww, I'm sorry Keith. :( You did the best thing for him, even though it was very hard. *hugs*

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That's awful, Keith. Sorry to hear it. Owners having to put down their animals is never easy and always totally heart-breaking. My fianc?e has two cats, one that's already 12 and has a life expectancy of 15 years, tops. She's already struggling to jump the same way she used to so I have a feeling we'll end up looking at this option in the next few years, too. Obviously I don't care for cats (especially that one) so it won't affect me much personally, but it'll really upset her so I still need to be considerate of her feelings, too.


I have a feeling you'll be a little choked up, especially if you're in the Vet's office with her and the cat when she's about to be put down. I've been with three of my cats at that time because I don't want them to be alone at the end, but it rips me up inside. :(

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