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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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It's like the 7th circle of hell - only worse. It's likely that there are tons of hot college booty you can't focus on because you waited until now to do something you knew about since day one. Truly, truly a terrible place.


Nobody ever knew what goldmines college libraries are. Incredible stuff. I used to get a private room tho because the distractions were too great.

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I have a feeling you'll be a little choked up, especially if you're in the Vet's office with her and the cat when she's about to be put down. I've been with three of my cats at that time because I don't want them to be alone at the end, but it rips me up inside. :(


I BROKE DOWN when we put my dog to sleep. I was so awful I couldn't drive home.

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I have a feeling you'll be a little choked up, especially if you're in the Vet's office with her and the cat when she's about to be put down. I've been with three of my cats at that time because I don't want them to be alone at the end, but it rips me up inside. :(


Not because of the cat, I won't. I'll be upset because she's upset. She'll breakdown and it's her pain that will upset me. I am completely indifferent to her cats.


But I know I'll have that same feeling of total heartbreak when my dog goes, or even when my mom's goes.

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Got an A in one of my classes that I took a final in. Macro might take awhile to come in, I'm worried about it since the change of professors screwed us over.


I hated when that happened to me in Poli Sci at my old school. Original teacher fell down the stairs and separated her shoulder, and we had a sub the rest of the semester and he didn't know anyone's name so he couldn't give me the credit I deserved for actually participating. He also lost my final exam so I had to retake it. Ended up with a B- in that class :disappointed:

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Haha, I'm taking an online class this winter and the teacher for it seems pretty awesome. He had this on the site for it


1) Arrive to class on time and do not leave early.

2) Do not pack up your things until the end of class is indicated by me.

3) Refrain from talking during class.

4) NO WMD’s (Weapons of Mass Distraction)

i. Turn off cell phones or put on silent.


iii. No Surfing the net unless it is for class purposes.

5) Save all questions about the lecture until the floor is open for discussion.

6) Save all questions of a personal nature until after class is over for the day.

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Good news, everyone! Yesterday, my girlfriend spoke to me these words: "I think I'm actually starting to really like hockey."


We watched 24/7 the other night and she really enjoyed it (she thinks Bryzgalov is hilarious), she's been following the Rangers a lot this season, and I took her to a great game last season (6-3 win vs. Islanders). GREAT SUCCESS!

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Good news, everyone! Yesterday, my girlfriend spoke to me these words: "I think I'm actually starting to really like hockey."


We watched 24/7 the other night and she really enjoyed it (she thinks Bryzgalov is hilarious), she's been following the Rangers a lot this season, and I took her to a great game last season (6-3 win vs. Islanders). GREAT SUCCESS!


lol, one good thing about finding a girl on a Rangers forum is that you know she already loves the Rangers. I'm starting to really get her into football now though, lol.

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Good news, everyone! Yesterday, my girlfriend spoke to me these words: "I think I'm actually starting to really like hockey."


We watched 24/7 the other night and she really enjoyed it (she thinks Bryzgalov is hilarious), she's been following the Rangers a lot this season, and I took her to a great game last season (6-3 win vs. Islanders). GREAT SUCCESS!


Marry her now.

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