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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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And how's that system work?


Scores are 0 to 10.0 (or 0 to 100%), there's no A-B-C-D-F conversion and tests are waaaay more difficult.


I had a GPA of 3.5 during my semester in Wisconsin, I have a converted GPA of slightly under 3 here. Our style of testing is just completely different and any score over 8.5 is exceptional, everything over 7.0 is pretty darn good. There's also no curve, whatever the score is, that's it. I preferred the American much more, because it focusses on what you actually know, where are system is more prone to showing what you don't know.


Example: we get no advice on test, it's often 5 essay questions, all have to be answered, score is determined based off pre-determined points you have to name and if not? Zero points. Simple, if you miss elements in 3 out of 5 questions, all answers about a page or two long, your score ends up around or under 3.0. Aaaargh.

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I like your system, I had that in high school, much better than GPA system


I don't agree. I love the GPA system and A-to-F system, because it shows who is best in the group. It shows who is the stand-out student and you can see who the best student is, even if the exam was difficult. If the average of a test here is a 5.9 (5.5 is enough to pass) and you score a 6.9, you are a great student in that group, yet your GPA will be converted to just a 2.9. That seems unfair, because in comparison you had an A and they had a BC.


I guess arguments can be made for both, I just hate that a couple of very difficult courses have screwed my GPA when I move to the US. I was often among the 40 or 50% who managed to actually pass the course, but the difficult tests made me look bad in the process without context. That sucks.

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Thank you everybody seriously it means a lot to me, today was bad a day but the Rangers had an Angel on their shoulder today in my Grandma and she gave us a win to cheer me up on a bad day


very sorry for your loss bro. If you need anything, let me know. Sorry again.

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You're awfully chipper this morning...I hate that! LOL :D


:lol: sorry


Going to Cenrtalia PA to shoot with friends. Its fun to hang with people that love photo as much as I do.


I think my initial post disappeared. If it comes out twice, sorry. Its not showing up on my phone.


How are you doing?

Edited by Shane Falco
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:lol: sorry


Going to Cenrtalia PA to shoot with friends. Its fun to hang with people that love photo as much as I do.


I think my initial post disappeared. If it comes out twice, sorry. Its not showing up on my phone.


How are you doing?


Much better now that I'm sufficiently caffeinated. :D

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For real...mine are on every second I'm in the car between September and like...March. And at night if i drive with the windows down in the summer lol. I should just glue the button down.

I have used mine quite often even though it doesn't get that cold here,except for the last three days,and they heat up real fast too.

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