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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Which is disgusting.


Yeah, I hate when they try to pass that shit off as real buffalo chicken, especially in a sandwhich/wrap. I have pretty much given up on it. Even buffalo chicken pizza is shit here in Manhattan. There is a place in North Babylon that has the best Buffalo Chicken pizza, I refuse to have anyone elses.

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Have you ever been to a child psychologist to be checked for a learning disability? If you haven't you should so you know what's wrong and how to fix it.

Yes I have been. Ive been diagnosed with several conditions that all relate to me not being able to do well. i go to a doctor every two weeks. they put me on some type of riddilin. its actually helped alot and for once in my life i have a term with no D's of F's.


Be careful with that. My school (Art Institute of NYC) was only supposed to take me 18 months to finish. But what they dont tell you when you register is that you literally have to take 5 or more (mind you they are 4 hrs long each) classes each quarter in order to finish in that time slot. Semesters are usually shorter in schools like that as well. You are basically given the same amount of work or more in a shorter period of time. Sounds great to finish in only a few weeks or whatever but they will be insanely hard weeks. And if you have trouble studying and stuff that may not be the best option for you. Besides I really dont think most people learn much in an intensive program like that because you are just bombarded with info. Most of it will not stick with you. And if you are going into a professional environment straight out of school, and you havent learned what you were supposed to, it can end in disaster.


Just my 2 cents.

Im not really concerened with the amount of work or whatever. i just wanna go to some school and feel like ive done something with my life. i went for a tour their and all of their equiptment is top grade. one of my cousins best friends went their while he was in highschool..graduated before he graduated high school, and is now working as a camera man for NBC.

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Total laziness. I have no clue. All I know is I have to keep my eye out from here on out, because I was NOT expecting to get cold cuts.


Yeah laziness and less money I guess. That sucks lol. I'll bring you one from a place I go to down here next time i'm in NY....haaaaaaaa. It'd probably still be better even after the trip :D

Edited by viventi
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Yes I have been. Ive been diagnosed with several conditions that all relate to me not being able to do well. i go to a doctor every two weeks. they put me on some type of riddilin. its actually helped alot and for once in my life i have a term with no D's of F's.


Im not really concerened with the amount of work or whatever. i just wanna go to some school and feel like ive done something with my life. i went for a tour their and all of their equiptment is top grade. one of my cousins best friends went their while he was in highschool..graduated before he graduated high school, and is now working as a camera man for NBC.


I have ADHD and after I was properly diagnosed and medicated I went from C/Ds to A/B+s

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Yes I have been. Ive been diagnosed with several conditions that all relate to me not being able to do well. i go to a doctor every two weeks. they put me on some type of riddilin. its actually helped alot and for once in my life i have a term with no D's of F's.



Im not really concerened with the amount of work or whatever. i just wanna go to some school and feel like ive done something with my life. i went for a tour their and all of their equiptment is top grade. one of my cousins best friends went their while he was in highschool..graduated before he graduated high school, and is now working as a camera man for NBC.


What Robin said, good luck with everything Jared.

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I have ADHD and after I was properly diagnosed and medicated I went from C/Ds to A/B+s


I've always been an average student who just coasted and largely was the same way, except for subjects I enjoyed (history being the main example). Just got diagnosed over the winter with ADHD as well and just started medication. So far I haven't noticed too much of a difference, though I was also started on a low dose, but I have notice a small change in some way that's made class rooms way more bearable for me when I'm not necessarily interested in what we are doing.

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Damn, if it weren't for all the fucktards you have to deal with on a daily basis ~ when you do work lol ~ I'd love your job. :D


lol it's a love/hate relationship. They spend all their time figuring out how to get away with stuff, I spend a few hours a week making sure they don't.

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