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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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I feel... shocked and deeply saddened. Just got news a very close friend of our family, the owner of the bed and breakfast we always stay at when we visit our friends and family in Italy, passed away. He was like... 45 or something, teenage kids, never anything wrong with him. He was someone very, very dear to us for many reasons. He was a great friend of my dad too.


I am just lost for words... man, this is so fucked up. :(

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I feel... shocked and deeply saddened. Just got news a very close friend of our family, the owner of the bed and breakfast we always stay at when we visit our friends and family in Italy, passed away. He was like... 45 or something, teenage kids, never anything wrong with him. He was someone very, very dear to us for many reasons. He was a great friend of my dad too.


I am just lost for words... man, this is so fucked up. :(


Very sorry Jules. :(

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That blows, Jules. Sorry to hear it.


Hate hearing about friends/family dying early like that. Any idea what happened?


We don't know yet. We just received an e-mail from another friend there and that's it, they might not even know yet because we were closer friends with him than the person who informed us is. We want to try to call them tomorrow and see if they know more. The issue is the language barrier, they only speak Italian and our Italian isn't that good, to put it mildly.


Overall, I am more... stunned. He was supposed to come visit us in The Netherlands this year to see the world cycling championships when they are in our region and my dad and him even travelled to Switzerland together to be fans at pro cycling events. Two years later they are both no longer with us. It's a crazy world.

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Geez... we just heard he committed suicide. All my life I called suicide selfish, I never understood, but over the last hour I have thought this over and I guess if you or me don't like a place anymore, we try to leave as soon as we really can too. He did financially well, provided a lot for his wife and kids and I guess that was it. I feel horrible about it, but this puts so many events and things he said from the last couple of times we saw him in a whole new light.


As horribly as I feel for his family, his friends and even for myself, because I cared a lot about this guy, I hope he found what he was looking for. I just feel sick to my stomach that his death is the final piece to some very puzzling quotes from last summer. I know realize why fathers death hurt him as much as it did; he wanted to go but lived, my dad wanted to live but died.


It all makes sense now. For as far as life and death ever really make sense.

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Geez... we just heard he committed suicide. All my life I called suicide selfish, I never understood, but over the last hour I have thought this over and I guess if you or me don't like a place anymore, we try to leave as soon as we really can too. He did financially well, provided a lot for his wife and kids and I guess that was it. I feel horrible about it, but this puts so many events and things he said from the last couple of times we saw him in a whole new light.


As horribly as I feel for his family, his friends and even for myself, because I cared a lot about this guy, I hope he found what he was looking for. I just feel sick to my stomach that his death is the final piece to some very puzzling quotes from last summer. I know realize why fathers death hurt him as much as it did; he wanted to go but lived, my dad wanted to live but died.


It all makes sense now. For as far as life and death ever really make sense.


Holy shit Jules sorry to hear man that is terrible :(

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Anyone ever have a friend that it's impossible to get off the phone with? I have a friend that i swear has to be the reasons why text messages were invented in the first place. I dont like talking on the phone. Its dumb. There is rarely I need to say anything so quick that I cant just say in a text or mail or whatever. He says bye like 15 different ways. I'm just like "ok, yeah, ok, alright, see ya, I will dude, okay cool, yeah, see ya, I hear ya, ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
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Anyone ever have a friend that it's impossible to get off the phone with? I have a friend that i swear has to be the reasons why text messages were invented in the first place. I dont like talking on the phone. Its dumb. There is rarely I need to say anything so quick that I cant just say in a text or mail or whatever. He says bye like 15 different ways. I'm just like "ok, yeah, ok, alright, see ya, I will dude, okay cool, yeah, see ya, I hear ya, ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


LOL Just tell him your Ex Lax is kicking in - gotta go...

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