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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Of course I get sore throat this weekend ..... I have all the luck in the world



Anyone have any idea what's the best way for helping me throughout the day with sore throat ?



Damn wish I seen this earler. As Zicam Throat Spray works wonders if you use it the first day you come down with sore throat. After that it's not so effective.


If you are still up and reading this. Get to CVS or Rite Aid immediately, buy and use take Zicam cold remedy Oral Spray per the directions. It's about 13 bucks but worth it. I keep 2 bottles on hand — one at work, one at home.

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Damn wish I seen this earler. As Zicam Throat Spray works wonders if you use it the first day you come down with sore throat. After that it's not so effective.


If you are still up and reading this. Get to CVS or Rite Aid immediately, buy and use take Zicam cold remedy Oral Spray per the directions. It's about 13 bucks but worth it. I keep 2 bottles on hand — one at work, one at home.


Keeping that in my notes but I already passed it haha thanks.


Apple tea with honey did work and some Motrin

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There is no better feeling then getting all of your work done before the time that you could have slept to.


And no worse feeling than planning stuff (assignments, cleaning) and than not being able to get out of bed, because after all it's a day off. That's me today. :palm:

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And no worse feeling than planning stuff (assignments, cleaning) and than not being able to get out of bed, because after all it's a day off. That's me today. :palm:


Ha, yea.


I know that I get distracted easily, so if I'm doing work when other people are around, or there are games on TV, I know that there is very little chance that I will be getting that work done. I think I have done work one time this semester past 7pm and that was just because I forgot their was an assignment due in the class.


BTW I was meaning to ask you how popular the Rangers are in the Netherlands

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