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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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BTW I was meaning to ask you how popular the Rangers are in the Netherlands


If there are 10 fans of the Rangers like me in this country, that's a very positive estimate. Hockey is a small sport, most people are fans of the local semi-pro teams and if 20k people watch hockey on a regular basis in the whole country, that's a lot. If they don't just support local hockey, they are fans of German teams and than maybe the NHL as a league.


True Rangers fans in The Netherlands? Besides me, I know two of them. That's it. And you'd think if there were more, we would've found each other online by now.

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If there are 10 fans of the Rangers like me in this country, that's a very positive estimate. Hockey is a small sport, most people are fans of the local semi-pro teams and if 20k people watch hockey on a regular basis in the whole country, that's a lot. If they don't just support local hockey, they are fans of German teams and than maybe the NHL as a league.


True Rangers fans in The Netherlands? Besides me, I know two of them. That's it. And you'd think if there were more, we would've found each other online by now.


The reason I ask is because there is a Dutch Rangers tripfriend on /sp/. It's pretty funny how in the two places I discuss the Rangers, there are Dutch guys.

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The reason I ask is because there is a Dutch Rangers tripfriend on /sp/. It's pretty funny how in the two places I discuss the Rangers, there are Dutch guys.


Wow, seriously? That's pretty awesome. Can you PM me his name? Maybe it's in fact one of the few guys I know.

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I'm a morning person and I love it. I will wake up at 6am on days where I don't need to be up until like noon just so I can get all my work done early.


There is no better feeling then getting all of your work done before the time that you could have slept to.


LOL Jimmy, what planet are you from?? :eek: I cannot fathom waking up earlier than I have to on any given day. :rofl:

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I'm not "awake" until about 11:00AM, and my alarm goes off at 7:30am. :rofl:


morning z z z z z z z z


I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to go to bed. :z: I swear, there's some days I wake up and I can only think about going back to bed as soon as I get home. :o

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You'll be needing this then. :D




he looks he's had a few cups from that "mug" before holding it. With that said, impressive that hes not shaking like a tree in the wind

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I actually gave my uncle this really big coffee cup with a plate that has a labyrinth in the porcelain. If you spill the coffee, you can play with it lead and lead to the drop to the center of the puzzle. Such a great wake up game. :rofl:


Here's a picture:





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You'll be needing this then. :D




Lol, it takes me about 45 minutes to drive to work. During that time i have a large redbull and a cup of coffee already lol

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My allergies are a mess today, I've definitely sneezed for 50 times since this morning.my eyes are tearing constantly and my sinuses are killing me, ughhhh.


I feel your misery, honey! I've been so miserable because of allergies today. :( I'm gonna take some Benedryl in a little bit and go pass out in bed. lol

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I feel your misery, honey! I've been so miserable because of allergies today. :( I'm gonna take some Benedryl in a little bit and go pass out in bed. lol


I took two Zyrtec's and took a half hour nap, felt a lot better. I still have a killer migraine now though.

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