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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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I can dig it.


I hear the 3G network has better connection, but whatever...

Well, there were 3G's and only 2B's so obviously. Too bad we didn't have a campaign to sign Devin Didiomente...Lindsay would be Chairperson for the DDs.
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"Your travel authorization has been approved and you are authorized to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program."


Thank you, uncle Sam. I'll see you in three weeks. :)



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"Your travel authorization has been approved and you are authorized to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program."


Thank you, uncle Sam. I'll see you in three weeks. :)


Fuck yes.

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For those not aware. If you are a citizen from a list of countries the US considers safe or allied, you pay a small $14 fee for online verification of your passport and former US travel history and this grants you temporary allowance to fly to a US airport. Once at the airport the customs officers there will determine whether you are in fact allowed to enter the country.


It's always a hassle, but I don't mind doing it, because it makes my travels and your country a safer place. :)

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