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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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My professor for this summer class is a joke. Takes the test right out of the review book and lets us use our textbook on the tests...except the review book is for an older edition and half of a page of the test was on a section that is no longer in the book. WTF?! If he downgrades me, I might go berserk on him.
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I keed I keed :D:D:D


Honestly, i trust nobody in cars. I prefer to drive anywhere and everywhere. When it comes to driving, I have to be in control. My dad is the only person i can drive with. Its pretty bad actually.


I'm the same way. I dont like being in the passenger seat lol.

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Watching a guy throw a breakfast sandwich back at the deli cook/worker because he was upset the cost went up $0.50 is hilarious to me. Really, guy? $0.50 is enough to throw your whole day off that you have to throw the sandwich back at the guy? Really?
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Watching a guy throw a breakfast sandwich back at the deli cook/worker because he was upset the cost went up $0.50 is hilarious to me. Really, guy? $0.50 is enough to throw your whole day off that you have to throw the sandwich back at the guy? Really?


What a jackass.

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