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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Two seven hour shifts in back to back days, and a 10 hour shift tomorrow. Making some spending money to add on to my new ride :cool:


You realize that most people have a longer shift than that in back to back to back to back to back days... right? lol

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You realize that most people have a longer shift than that in back to back to back to back to back days... right? lol


Not at part time jobs working in front of ovens with no AC and having seven other people squished behind the counter, they don't :) I might have lost water weight :p

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Ah. Ya it's hard enough getting one company to see me... lol


I'm having the same trouble now. Had a series of interviews with a company a few months back that nothing ever came from, unfortunately. Been applying here and there since but have yet to really hear back.

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not tonight but def. this weekend. girl is at work till late and my friends are either working or on vacation so it makes no sense tonight. my sis has been in town and is leaving tomorrow so I am just hanging out with her and her kids today. Come friday though I am getting alcohol poisoning.

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not tonight but def. this weekend. girl is at work till late and my friends are either working or on vacation so it makes no sense tonight. my sis has been in town and is leaving tomorrow so I am just hanging out with her and her kids today. Come friday though I am getting alcohol poisoning.

your specialty.
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I've been asked to play as a sub and extra in a local Madison indoor soccer league (on artificial turf, 1/3rd size pitch) with friends. Obviously, I said yes, but it's been a while and I hope I can just play well enough.
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