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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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You're tall and European.




LOL, that's what they are thinking. It's more like "let's bring a tall European and see what the opponent does". I'm good at taking set pieces (corners, free kicks) and obviously good at standing strong in around the goal and heading the ball. We'll see. I'm excited to play.

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Don't you get hammered on your birthday? So the hangover would be the following day... the day after your birthday.


Besides, bday is like a day off... cake, ice cream, everyone wishin you happy bday. You dont do actual work.

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Don't you get hammered on your birthday? So the hangover would be the following day... the day after your birthday.


Besides, bday is like a day off... cake, ice cream, everyone wishin you happy bday. You dont do actual work.


He doesn't understand....duh!

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Huge thunderstorm here in Madison last night. One crack was so loud that a friend who lives 10 blocks from us texted this morning if we knew what happened, because the bang was so loud it woke her up. Same for us, I was sitting straight up in bed, like a grenade next to door window, incredible stuff.
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