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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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I'm pretty sure I just ended up with a pretty bad muscle tear playing soccer. I've had it before and it feels the same. Walking is somewhat okay, the pain is back and gone and back and gone, but I just couldn't run anymore and it hurts like hell when I move laterally. Hope it's over soon. FML.
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If you tore it, Jules, it won't be over soon. Tears require weeks of painful recovery.


I've been there before (both quadriceps and hamstring), this feels similar, but slightly less painful. I suspect a minor tear (there's a bump and a bruise, two clear signs). I can still walk almost painfree, which is good sign, it's just running that hurts.


Fingers crossed and we'll see how I feel in the morning. I iced it within 10 minutes, which is good.

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Hey, we have a guest in the house. We found a bat in the basement and my girlfriend, country girl as she is, is the only girl who hasn't panicked so far. :D


WOW..it Buzzed me!

rep to anyone who knows what movie that is from

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I've been there before (both quadriceps and hamstring), this feels similar, but slightly less painful. I suspect a minor tear (there's a bump and a bruise, two clear signs). I can still walk almost painfree, which is good sign, it's just running that hurts.


Fingers crossed and we'll see how I feel in the morning. I iced it within 10 minutes, which is good.


That's true. Severity of the tear determines the length of time you'll end up healing up.

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