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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Annnnnd Torres is a 'Yote now , IIRC.


Correct. Glass is also a Jet. Still leaves Lapierre to fuck with.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking, too. I'm not sure if he he was referring to their play as he interpreted it, or if he was going to target them when he played against the Canucks - if it was the latter, ROFL.

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I think they're the same group that hacked PSN.


That was Lulzsec.


Anyway, it's all irrelevant to me because I hate Facebook, but Renegade got this in a nutshell.


Facebook is the second best way for me to communicate and keep in touch with my friends who live around the globe. You might not see any advantages to you, but to me Facebook is very useful.

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