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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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What happened to your back?


Pulled a muscle 2 weeks ago at work, was at the hospital the next day, they did shit for it except prescribe pain killers that havent worked, went to the doctor last week, waiting for my MRI results and my doctor wants me doing psychical therapy 3 times a week to get it back together. I havent been able to move for the past week, havent been to work in the week, now gotta go in to work tomorrow or friday and fill out the workers compensation shit to see if i can get it. Mind you im only 22 years old im not ready to deal with these back pains lolol

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Pulled a muscle 2 weeks ago at work, was at the hospital the next day, they did shit for it except prescribe pain killers that havent worked, went to the doctor last week, waiting for my MRI results and my doctor wants me doing psychical therapy 3 times a week to get it back together. I havent been able to move for the past week, havent been to work in the week, now gotta go in to work tomorrow or friday and fill out the workers compensation shit to see if i can get it. Mind you im only 22 years old im not ready to deal with these back pains lolol


If it's just a pulled muscle there shouldn't be any long-term damage to the area. I had a back contusion 7 or 8 years ago and was immobilized for almost an entire month. I get back aches every so often on the side I injured, but that's because I actually tore the front of the muscle and declined surgery to fix it, which ended up with me basically developing scar tissue on the muscle.


A pull isn't quite the same unless you pulled it off the bone or damaged the tendons/ligaments attached to it.


My guess is you'll be in a bit of pain for a bit, but unless it's a really severe pull/strain, you should be OK in a couple weeks.

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If it's just a pulled muscle there shouldn't be any long-term damage to the area. I had a back contusion 7 or 8 years ago and was immobilized for almost an entire month. I get back aches every so often on the side I injured, but that's because I actually tore the front of the muscle and declined surgery to fix it, which ended up with me basically developing scar tissue on the muscle.


A pull isn't quite the same unless you pulled it off the bone or damaged the tendons/ligaments attached to it.


My guess is you'll be in a bit of pain for a bit, but unless it's a really severe pull/strain, you should be OK in a couple weeks.


Yeah, well im gonna wait to see these MRI results to see what it was. The pain made it's way to my right rib cage which causes me not being able to move at all. If im laying down flat on my back It will take me up to a minute to get up because I need to move slowly as possible because the muscle's tighten up and it starts to send shooting pains up and down my ribs. They stretched out my muscle for about 15 minutes today, had me working out some of the other areas. I got the therapy again at 1 tomorrow, hopefully go to work saturday so i can figure this out.

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Yeah, well im gonna wait to see these MRI results to see what it was. The pain made it's way to my right rib cage which causes me not being able to move at all. If im laying down flat on my back It will take me up to a minute to get up because I need to move slowly as possible because the muscle's tighten up and it starts to send shooting pains up and down my ribs. They stretched out my muscle for about 15 minutes today, had me working out some of the other areas. I got the therapy again at 1 tomorrow, hopefully go to work saturday so i can figure this out.


I'm no doctor, so I can't tell you what I even think that is. That's for them to do, but the shooting pains and immobilization are natural byproducts of a back injury, especially if it's lower back.


Crossin' my fingers for you for some good news on the MRI results, though. When do you expect them?

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This motherfucker deserves to die a horrible, painful death, alongside his cohort, Steven Hayes. :angry:




1. Murder: Aided Steven Hayes in the murder of Jennifer Hawke-Petit: GUILTY


2. Murder of Hayley Petit: GUILTY


3. Murder of Michaela Petit: GUILTY


4. Capital felony: Intentionally caused the deaths of two or more people: GUILTY


5. Capital felony: Intentionally caused the death of a person under the age of 16: GUILTY


6. First-degree kidnapping (William Petit): GUILTY


7. First-degree kidnapping (Jennifer Hawke-Petit): GUILTY


8. First-degree kidnapping (Hayley Petit): GUILTY


9. First-degree kidnapping (Michaela Petit): GUILTY


10. Capital felony: Intentionally caused the death of Jennifer Hawke-Petit in the course of a kidnapping: GUILTY


11. Capital felony: Intentionally caused the death of Hayley Petit in the course of a kidnapping: GUILTY


12. Capital felony: Intentionally caused the death of Michaela Petit in the course of a kidnapping: GUILTY


13. First-degree sexual assault: GUILTY


14. Capital felony: Intentionally caused the death of Michaela Petit in the course of first-degree sexual assault: GUILTY


15. Second-degree burglary: GUILTY


16. First-degree arson: GUILTY


17. Second-degree assault: GUILTY



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I'm no doctor, so I can't tell you what I even think that is. That's for them to do, but the shooting pains and immobilization are natural byproducts of a back injury, especially if it's lower back.


Crossin' my fingers for you for some good news on the MRI results, though. When do you expect them?


I know but trust me your feed back goes a long way man it does :) Ill keep you posted I have an appointment with them on Wednesday and the results should be in then ill let you know :) thanks so much Phil

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I know but trust me your feed back goes a long way man it does :) Ill keep you posted I have an appointment with them on Wednesday and the results should be in then ill let you know :) thanks so much Phil




No problem, holmes.


Diggin' the new sig, by the way. Not the biggest Dubinsky fan, obviously, but the design is great. You do it?

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No problem, holmes.


Diggin' the new sig, by the way. Not the biggest Dubinsky fan, obviously, but the design is great. You do it?


:) Thanks but nah I didnt make it somebody made it for me, Im on a Sim League where you create your own player and get drafted so a guy on there made me that Sig since I made myself a C/LW. He couldnt find a good Richard's one to use so he made me a Dubinsky one with my name on it :)

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