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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Became a Caps fan tonight according to Mike, nice known ya, guys. :rolleyes:


Game was fun tonight! Took 850 photos :rofl:




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I don't blame you. More entertaining to watch than the Rangers.


I'll never like the Caps more than the Rangers, you know that lol. But yes, they're definitely a lot more entertaining. I had a great time at the game and their practice yesterday.


O, John Carlson is definitely the Dubi of the Caps, kid makes such stupid faces ALL the time, I love it. :D

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Carlsson is a very good player also, wouldnt mind him here in NY :)


Yeah he had a good game tonight. He's hilarious too...he was messing around on the ice after the practice yesterday, had people cracking up. Then came to talk to people afterwards, nice guy. :)

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