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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Just got home from a 3 hour visit to the damn doctor, this office scheduled 50 appoints for the same doctor at 9 AM :mad:


Ive sat in the waiting took for an hour and 15, then sat waiting IN the room for another 2.5 hours to see a neurologist once. The appointment lasted 15 minutes and was total BS. Complete waste of my time. I wanted to stab him.

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Ive sat in the waiting took for an hour and 15, then sat waiting IN the room for another 2.5 hours to see a neurologist once. The appointment lasted 15 minutes and was total BS. Complete waste of my time. I wanted to stab him.


I waited around for my Doctor for 3 hours and then he saw me for literally 2 minutes, he came in he said keep doing pyschical therapy and you still cant go to work and that was it... -___-

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