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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Ah, then get a new shower.


I was in Spain two years ago when Spain won the World Cup. My hotel room was quite awkward. It was pretty small, the beds were small, etc. The shower was fucking huge. You could have an orgy in there. Get one of those.


Yeah, OK. I'll get right on that. Lemme just go scrounge up the $15,000 it'll cost me. I think I have some quarters in the couch still...

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Anybody familiar with knee injuries? Last night during practice I felt a tweak in my knee and after that I couldn't go down into a butterfly. It wasn't anything excruciating so I figured I'd sleep on it and it wouldn't be too bad in the morning. Of course, I wake up throughout the night with sharp pains coming from the inside of my left knee, and now when I've tried to walk on it its painful. I figure I should get myself checked out, but has anyone ever had pain on the inside part of their knee before that might know what this is?
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Anybody familiar with knee injuries? Last night during practice I felt a tweak in my knee and after that I couldn't go down into a butterfly. It wasn't anything excruciating so I figured I'd sleep on it and it wouldn't be too bad in the morning. Of course, I wake up throughout the night with sharp pains coming from the inside of my left knee, and now when I've tried to walk on it its painful. I figure I should get myself checked out, but has anyone ever had pain on the inside part of their knee before that might know what this is?


I have rheumatoid arthritis in both knees and had cartilage damage in my right knee, so yes, I'm familiar. I'm no doctor, so this "evaluation" is crude at best, but my guess is that you may have strained the Meniscus or torn some of the Articular cartilage (like I did) that sits between the Femur and Fibula bones.


See a doctor, especially if it's swollen or is painful when you crouch or bend the knee.

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Anybody familiar with knee injuries? Last night during practice I felt a tweak in my knee and after that I couldn't go down into a butterfly. It wasn't anything excruciating so I figured I'd sleep on it and it wouldn't be too bad in the morning. Of course, I wake up throughout the night with sharp pains coming from the inside of my left knee, and now when I've tried to walk on it its painful. I figure I should get myself checked out, but has anyone ever had pain on the inside part of their knee before that might know what this is?


I'm no doctor but I'm gonna say that you're experiencing some pain in your knee.

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Anybody familiar with knee injuries? Last night during practice I felt a tweak in my knee and after that I couldn't go down into a butterfly. It wasn't anything excruciating so I figured I'd sleep on it and it wouldn't be too bad in the morning. Of course, I wake up throughout the night with sharp pains coming from the inside of my left knee, and now when I've tried to walk on it its painful. I figure I should get myself checked out, but has anyone ever had pain on the inside part of their knee before that might know what this is?


Inb4 rhom makes "arrow to the knee" joke

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I have rheumatoid arthritis in both knees and had cartilage damage in my right knee, so yes, I'm familiar. I'm no doctor, so this "evaluation" is crude at best, but my guess is that you may have strained the Meniscus or torn some of the Articular cartilage (like I did) that sits between the Femur and Fibula bones.


See a doctor, especially if it's swollen or is painful when you crouch or bend the knee.


Well I guess I'll be going to health services today, then. Thanks Phil.

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