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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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ohhh health services. good memories....


Walk-ins are only until 11AM, wtf. Knee still sucks to walk on but its feeling better as I sit. I just hope its good to go because I have a game to play next week.


And the hydrocodon i took kicked in so it doesn't hurt as much now :rolleyes: not a problem solver though.

Edited by Cash or Czech?
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Walk-ins are only until 11AM, wtf. Knee still sucks to walk on but its feeling better as I sit. I just hope its good to go because I have a game to play next week.


And the hydrocodon i took kicked in so it doesn't hurt as much now :rolleyes: not a problem solver though.


If it's he side of your knee, it might be an MCL.




Until you see the doctor, RICE.


Rest — Don't flex it.

Ice — Duh.

Compression — Wrap it.

Elevation —*Keep it above heart level.

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If it's he side of your knee, it might be an MCL.




Until you see the doctor, RICE.


Rest — Don't flex it.

Ice — Duh.

Compression — Wrap it.

Elevation —*Keep it above heart level.


I saw the doctor. He gave me codeine to take when I'm in pain, offered me crutches and said to get a wrap/brace (just picked it up) and also to ice it. I decided not to get crutches, but I should've because I don't want to take the pain meds during the day and it's gonna hurt to walk. I scheduled a follow-up appointment for Tuesday because I want to play on Wednesday. He said I should be out for a few weeks. Fuck that.

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I saw the doctor. He gave me codeine to take when I'm in pain, offered me crutches and said to get a wrap/brace (just picked it up) and also to ice it. I decided not to get crutches, but I should've because I don't want to take the pain meds during the day and it's gonna hurt to walk. I scheduled a follow-up appointment for Tuesday because I want to play on Wednesday. He said I should be out for a few weeks. Fuck that.


You sound as stubborn as I do, so I suggest a soft brace, if you didn't get one already:




As much as I like the cold, I basically live on these things all winter long because of how much the cold fucks with my arthritis.

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Yeah, I just bought one. I'm putting it on after class, since I was kind of late coming back and I didn't have time. This thing better be healed by next week. It's going to suck not practicing on Monday. I've been playing so damn well lately that I'm ready to prove myself that I'll be one of the two goalies to play next year. Wednesday is my shot at that. I always thought in the back of my mind I'd get hurt, and of course it happens on a bullshit scramble. I felt the muscle stretch right as I did it, and I couldn't get into a butterfly after that. I guess the adrenaline dumbed down the pain last night.
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Yeah, I just bought one. I'm putting it on after class, since I was kind of late coming back and I didn't have time. This thing better be healed by next week. It's going to suck not practicing on Monday. I've been playing so damn well lately that I'm ready to prove myself that I'll be one of the two goalies to play next year. Wednesday is my shot at that. I always thought in the back of my mind I'd get hurt, and of course it happens on a bullshit scramble. I felt the muscle stretch right as I did it, and I couldn't get into a butterfly after that. I guess the adrenaline dumbed down the pain last night.


Do what you want but you run the risk of screwing yourself more by playing with an injury than sitting out to be on the safe side.


Once your really screw up your knee it doesn't matter how long you heal it is a constant risk of re injury.


I think it would be best to take it easy for a while rather than jeopardize future playing time. Just my $.02

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Ok dude, go ahead and risk further injury by playing in a game with zero implications


Thanks for your concern. I know you care so much!


If I'm not good to play, I'm not going to play. I really want to play, and I've been looking forward to this game for a good two months, but I'm not going to ruin my health for it.

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I loved Lost,I have all the seasons on dvd.



I don't think I;'ve done anything at work. I've been reading and reviewing everything to make sure all my questions have been answered.



At this point, it's all about perception, I don't know why people hated the ending.... I loved it, I became so emotionally involved in the characters.

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