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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Nothing robs me of sleep like hearing Kristin's cats crying in the middle of the night because they found a cockroach. Nothing. I toss and turn all night at the slightest touch of the blanket or Kristin's arm or leg or anything thinking the fucking things are crawling on me.


Yet another reason why COLD climates are fantastic. NO BUGS!

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Just spent a nice chunk of time in the hospital with my daughter. Absolutely heart breaking. Shes been sick for a few days. I took her to the doctor today because it was getting worse and he sent me straight to the ER. I was so scared when he said that. It turns out she has a very bad respiratory infection. They almost kept her over night. It's gonna be a looooong night.
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Just spent a nice chunk of time in the hospital with my daughter. Absolutely heart breaking. Shes been sick for a few days. I took her to the doctor today because it was getting worse and he sent me straight to the ER. I was so scared when he said that. It turns out she has a very bad respiratory infection. They almost kept her over night. It's gonna be a looooong night.


Ugh, dude best of luck. I hope she gets well soon. I was in and out of the hospital as a baby due to respiratory infections/bronchitis/asthma.


Let us know how she's doing when you can.

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Thanks guys. It was just such a draining day for all of us. She's in good spirits which makes it a little easier to cope with but I know I'll be nervous all night waking up every half hour probably checking to see if she's still breathing like a neurotic parent. I guess it was a good sign that they didn't keep her overnight like they had discussed upon arrival.
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