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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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On 9/24/2024 at 3:34 PM, SaveByRichter35 said:

I haven't had White Castle in years.  A few guys and I got it at work Friday night.  3 of us split a crave case.  I must've had 8-10 burgers Friday night.  I took two home with me for the kids to try Saturday morning.  They didn't want to so I ate those.  When I got back to work Saturday afternoon. there were still 5 burgers left.  I ate those too.  I was farting the most despicable smells until my morning shit on Monday.  Saturday and Sunday's shit did not help.  Needless to say, I want more lol

First hangout......lol

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9 hours ago, Ozzy said:


WOW!  Glad everything's over, dude.


My mom would have you put some Mercurochrome on it and send you back out to play!  LOL

"It's just a scratch!"

In all fairness if you were a parent you would tell your kid to take a shot and send them back out to play 

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