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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Got mail from the court today. I am summoned as witness against my ex-GF for the 16th of June. Took them long enough, almost 11 months on that date.


I am not eager to see her there of course, but this has to be done.

Hopefully I get it over with this and see her for the last time in my life, though I probably won't be so lucky, as I might be needed as a witness in another trial against her.

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Yikes, trial? I'm afraid to ask what for...


Thought you remembered from the other board, I think you were still around last July? During the break up ahe attacked me with a knife and afterwards tried to make me the culprit.

After a long waiting now finally we can put this to an end, all charges against me have been dropped due to the state attorneys and police not believing her.


Probably helped that she accused her next BF of attacking and raping her, which wasn't very believable either.

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Thought you remembered from the other board, I think you were still around last July? During the break up ahe attacked me with a knife and afterwards tried to make me the culprit.

After a long waiting now finally we can put this to an end, all charges against me have been dropped due to the state attorneys and police not believing her.


Probably helped that she accused her next BF of attacking and raping her, which wasn't very believable either.


Ah, yikes! I was around, yeah, but I don't remember this at all.


Is this all to simply clear the air, or is the trial set for counter-charges? This broad sounds bonkers.

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Ah, yikes! I was around, yeah, but I don't remember this at all.


Is this all to simply clear the air, or is the trial set for counter-charges? This broad sounds bonkers.


It's ok, I don't remember everything I read on the forums myself and honestly who could?


Counter-charges, though police also investigated against her from the start as our statements obviously contradicted each other and I was the one wounded in the end.

So they are charging her for injuring me and probably for making wrong accusations and statements to the police.

I am not pressing any charges myself. I could seek money, but as she's broke anyway and probably will be for years to come, there is no money to get for me and I still would have to pay for a lawyer and so on. I just want to get over with it now.

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It could, small scar on the left lower arm, biting mark below my left hand. A scar on my left cheek, which is white by now, so it's only seen close up. Biggest scar is above my left knee, where she cut deeper, luckyly not deep enough to hit anything important, only a fleshwound.
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So she's only being prosecuted by the State then? Facing serious time?


I don't really know. What they might do is order her to get into psychotherapy and not the one were you go home after a hour.

I doubt they send her into jail for a long time.

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They probably can't without your case. You're the victim, so if you refuse to press charges, all they can really hold her on is obstruction of some kind, or filing a false report, which is still not really that serious.
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They probably can't without your case. You're the victim, so if you refuse to press charges, all they can really hold her on is obstruction of some kind, or filing a false report, which is still not really that serious.


Law works a bit different here, this is a crime that the state will investigate no matter what happens and my charges could only be about money. Nothing else, so it really makes no real difference whether I press them or not.

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Law works a bit different here, this is a crime that the state will investigate no matter what happens and my charges could only be about money. Nothing else, so it really makes no real difference whether I press them or not.


Yeah, same here. People don't press charges, the state can also do it if they consider a person a liability or threat to public safety. It's to rule out people not pressing charges out of fear, even when the police have the case pretty much closed.

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