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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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I'm doing very well on that thesis. I am rapidly approaching the 12000 words that I needed, I think my facts, assumptions and ideas work really well and the conclusion that I am expecting to write tomorrow will be surprising, but great. I am going to factually argue that despite our liberal image worldwide, Dutch education and scientific research is more restricted by religion than education and science in the often conservatively seen United States. My professor is gonna love it.
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That actually sounds like a really interesting thesis. I don't know too much about the Dutch education and scientific sections, but it'd definitely be a cool thing to read up on and especially compare it to what I'm used to learning here. I can see why your professor would love it, man, that's for sure.
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I'm doing very well on that thesis. I am rapidly approaching the 12000 words that I needed, I think my facts, assumptions and ideas work really well and the conclusion that I am expecting to write tomorrow will be surprising, but great. I am going to factually argue that despite our liberal image worldwide, Dutch education and scientific research is more restricted by religion than education and science in the often conservatively seen United States. My professor is gonna love it.


awesome to hear Jules!

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