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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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she did a lot worse than make you watch twilight, no? lol.


good luck tomorrow.


Well, yes. Still it IS a point on the list :D, I won't mention it though. :D

And thanks, as I probably will be tired as hell, I'll need it.

Glad I am just there to be a witness. :)



Don't joke about something like that, someone might believe you. ;)

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I just emailed my bachelor thesis to the printing company and a digital version to my professor. It was more scary than I thought it would be. No more editing or turning back now... fingers crossed for a good result in a few days or weeks from now. Whoohoo! :)


Anyone interested in reading it, send me a PM with your email address and I'll send you the PDF soon. It's on religious influence on Dutch and American education and science.

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Jules, you're NOT watching GAME 7?? I hope you're gonna DVR it. :)


I need to catch in train in... uh, 5 hours from now, LOL. Ugh. ;) So, yeah, DVRing it and ESPN America will show reruns of the game all week long anyway.

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I always thought you just liked to WATCH people drink. Welcome to the party! Next time have scotch.


I dont drink much because I'm such a lightweight and always have to drive. It doesnt take much for me. At all.


Last week at Phil's thing I had two drinks (shot of jameson and a vodka/cranberry but it was a huge glass full of vodka and just enough cranberry to add color lol) and almost fell over myself when i went to go out to my car for something...thankfully no one saw it. i hope. :disappointed:


Next time we all go do something I'll go back to my cousins on LI. We can take the train lol.

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Yea yea.. speaking of which.. don't you have some planning to do?


No ideaaaaa...I'll be in CT/Boston this weekend. Next Saturday I'll be in Brooklyn but probably can't do anything. I'll be on LI/BK July 1st, 2nd and 3rd....so then?

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