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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Can't say that. Very good day here, actually it's so good it frightening, cause I am not used to it. lol


First of all, the trial went well, was only there to give my statement on what happened and was sent home right afterwards, so I don't know what punishment she got (though I doubt it will be harsh). Thought the judge was nice, friendly guy with a calming athmosphere. My ex was there all alone, no lawyer nothing and in the end after trying to come up with questions to make me look bad she admitted she brought the knife and wanted revenge on me.

Which I would define as a clear confession of her guilt.


I ignored her all along and just focused on the judge and hopefully this is all over now. Will ask my lawyer to get the info on what she got in the end. (Couldn't reach him today, we agreed he wasn't needed as support for me on location)


Later the day got even better, because now I have a job starting monday, so I am one big step further back to a normal life. :)


Seems to really be my lucky day. :)

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Can't say that. Very good day here, actually it's so good it frightening, cause I am not used to it. lol


First of all, the trial went well, was only there to give my statement on what happened and was sent home right afterwards, so I don't know what punishment she got (though I doubt it will be harsh). Thought the judge was nice, friendly guy with a calming athmosphere. My ex was there all alone, no lawyer nothing and in the end after trying to come up with questions to make me look bad she admitted she brought the knife and wanted revenge on me.

Which I would define as a clear confession of her guilt.


I ignored her all along and just focused on the judge and hopefully this is all over now. Will ask my lawyer to get the info on what she got in the end. (Couldn't reach him today, we agreed he wasn't needed as support for me on location)


Later the day got even better, because now I have a job starting monday, so I am one big step further back to a normal life. :)


Seems to really be my lucky day. :)


Congrats H-D! :cheers:

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