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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Most guys don't, but that old adage of "happy wife, happy life" is nothing short of absolute truth. Chicks like linens and bamboo hamper baskets and decorative china and all sorts of things like them. My job is to simply help out where I have an opinion and pick a couple things to keep her happy. :)
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Just go to Staples for that, dude. Plenty of organizing options there. BB&B has options, too, but the stores are incredibly difficult to navigate.


The place you really should go to for that kinda stuff though is The Container Store http://www.containerstore.com/welcome.htm>

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My girlfriend and I both have a parent with some serious design and building skills and my girlfriend studied architecture and art for a while. I'm set, I'll just pick the TV. :D


Same for me. I'm more than capable of building my own furniture, but depending on the item it's often not worth the time, and living in an apartment prohibits me from doing large projects right now.

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Same for me. I'm more than capable of building my own furniture, but depending on the item it's often not worth the time, and living in an apartment prohibits me from doing large projects right now.


Yeah, it depends on where we will live and what we will need, but it's good to have some expertise around you and to have it yourself, because getting an advisor for stuff like this can get really expensive. My dream is to do a big project. Design and build our own house or completely renovate a unique house elsewhere or something. That kind of thing is so expensive in The Netherlands, you'd need millions of dollars to do that. The US housing market makes a bit more reasonable.


Around here, you pay $150,000 for a 300ft square studio in one of the four big cities, if you are looking to buy.

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I'm well covered there. Uncle is a certified car mechanic, father is a car mechanic, and licensed plumber and electrician, as well as all-around handyman, brother is a certified electrician and a welder, other uncle is a certified, licensed and insured architect, family friend is a plumbing expert (installs commercial-grade sprinkler systems for a living) and an all-around handyman/mechanic, etc.
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I'm well covered there. Uncle is a certified car mechanic, father is a car mechanic, and licensed plumber and electrician, as well as all-around handyman, brother is a certified electrician and a welder, other uncle is a certified, licensed and insured architect, family friend is a plumbing expert (installs commercial-grade sprinkler systems for a living) and an all-around handyman/mechanic, etc.


Wait, is Home Improvement actually based on your family? :D

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HA! No — my dad doesn't regularly electrocute himself or injure himself in any other way the way Tim Tayler used to. :D


I am totally that guy if I ever start a construction or renovation project.


Anyway, it's 2AM, I'm gonna catch some sleep. G'night everyone! :)

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