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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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So sad that it's already the finale. What should I watch next week?


You into Sci-Fi at all? I'm giving Falling Skies a go, and Breaking Bad's Season 4 starts in July... dunno if you've checked that out at all.

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Burn Notice seems like a show you'd like, Phil.


Trailers did nothing for me. USA shows tend to turn me off — something about the way they write. They're like FOX, too, with how many they'll create and then cancel just to recreate in another variation a few months later.


How many seasons deep are they?

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Trailers did nothing for me. USA shows tend to turn me off — something about the way they write. They're like FOX, too, with how many they'll create and then cancel just to recreate in another variation a few months later.


How many seasons deep are they?

Fifth season starts Thursday. Can't believe it's been five seasons.

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Out of curiosity, what's the purpose of this thread?


Is this kind of like one of the BS OT threads, meant for random conversations?


Yeah, this is our place to just chat with each other, talk random things like school, work or other stuff that doesn't deserve a new or own thread, but is still worth (or not worth, LOL) sharing. :)

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